Chapter 16

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Hueningkai's pov.

The days go by so fast it's almost like someone is watching a movie of us, and hits fast foward because that's exactly how I feel when I spend time with Cassie. I wish time would just slow down or just stop, so I can spend time with her. I can't believe it's already been a week. Cassie has to go back home on the April 30, but I don't want her to leave.

I can't describe what I'm feeling for Cassie, but I know for a fact that it's not friendship. You don't look at a friend and want to gaze into their eyes forever, or stare at their lips wondering what they would feel like if I just gave a quick peck? Is this what people call a crush because right now I don't feel crushed I feel like a bird flying. sound so cheesy right now...a bird flying? So "original" image me slowly clapping by the way.

What! When did you come back? Ugh! I'm leaving!

...Hueningkai slams the door to his mind, leaving the handsome conscious who's definitely more attractive then Hueningkai-

Stop narrating what I'm doing!

I yell in my head, and I swear I can hear my conscious laugh at me. I am probably the only person in the world who argues with myself! I watch as Cassie carefully draws with her left and follows with another pencil in her right. Leaning over, I find her drawing even more interesting, it's of me.

"I like your drawing." I whisper in her ear, and she snaps out of whatever transfixed state she was in while drawing. Her cheeks come to a bright red as she looks away from me, playing with her hands. "I like my nose, you did real good. I look cute, but then again I always look cute!" I start making hearts and peace signs over my eyes at her, and she rolls her eyes, writing something on her journal.

You look like a weirdo, and your not cute.

She laughs at my expression, but then all of a sudden I have an idea. I stand on my desk, and start dancing, on the small table.

"I'm Hueningkai! I'm a cutie! Hueningkaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~" I start singing, and I can tell that I'm going to get in trouble for this, but it is worth the face I receive from Cassie.

"Mr! You need to get down!" The math teacher yells at us, but I just ignore him, pulling up Cassie on the desk as well. At first she didn't move, but when she sees me make a fool of myself she starts making the same moves I did. I watch her mouth, her name as she puts a peace signs over her eyes. The teacher continues to yell at us, but we still ignore, all the way until the bell rings, and before the teacher could grab us on our way out the door, I yank Cassie off the desk, making a full out dash towards the exit, and hop in the bus.

"See wasn't that fun? You need to let go sometimes Cassie, and that doesn't mean ditch class." I narrow my eyes at her, like I haven't skipped a class in my life eventhough she knows I have. She smiles, showing all of her beautiful teeth, and I think my heart completely stopped. Shaking my head, I look away from her, and towards Yeonjun and them hoping on the bus, late.

"Sorry for being late driver, we-

"I don't care, sit down." The driver rolls her eyes, and the boys sit beside us.

"How was your school day?" Yeonjun ask us, and I smile giving a thumbs up.

"Well, it was pretty boring until last period. Cassie and I danced on the tables until the bell rang while the teacher was in the room. He was not happy at all, honestly that guy needs to get a girlfriend or something...I see him crying everyday before class starts...its kinda sad. Anyway, we ran as soon as the bell rang, and ended up really early on the bus." I tell him, grinning as big as the Cheshire cat.

"Wow, that sounds fun. Wait does he really cry everyday...?" Soobin asks, and I nod my head.

"Dang that's just depressing. Well today me and Beomgyu got sent to the office because your supposely not allowed to make a fire in a science lab..." Taehyun huffed, crossing his arms while Beomgyu just shakes his head, clearly still upset about it.

"Really? Well Soobin and I just remained like civilized humans, and not like a bunch of monkeys on a rampage." Yeonjun narrows his eyes looking at all of us like a father would when his child did something they weren't supposed to.

That's because you two are like grandpas. Soobin can't even speed walk a 100 meter without breathing heavily in the middle of it.

Cassie shows them, and Soobin sucks some air in like he's about to defend himself, but then starts nodding his head.

"Yeah, your right...walking is really hard." He takes his defeat, but Yeonjun doesn't seem to take it easy that Cassie called him old.

"What about me? I can run a 100 meter dash just fine!" He argues, and Cassie nods her head.

Yeah, but your just old. 1999, remember?

"Oooooooo! Yeonjun, are you going to need some ice for that burn, or do you want some water?" Soobin holds up his water. Yeonjun shoots a glare at him, and Soobin holds up his hands.

"Alright, I see some one is a poor loser..." He whispers to us, and we nod our head slightly chuckling.

"I'm not a poor loser! Your just being mean to me, and I don't like it."

"Yeah Yeonjun, that's exactly the definition of poor loser! Congrats on learning a new english definition!" Beomgyu sticks his thumb out, and now Yeonjun was turning red, but not from embarrassment...should we have stopped at the old man?
Hi guys! I just want to say thank you for reading if you are reading also I know the story is going by slow, but believe me it's going to hit a curve soon!

Have a blessed day everyone!

Also don't forget to vote please! (:

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