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[Y/n's POV]

So here I am, just sitting in class when suddenly over the loud speakers a voice was turned on and a female voice rang through it. The whole class had stopped doing their work and perked their heads up to the sudden noise. 

"How hot can this guy actually be?", the voice has spoke through the school speakers.

"He can't be that hot."

"He's just a guy-"

"Woah! Sweet mercy!", the voice continued.

The whole class then broke into chuckles and laughter. I was just really confused at that point.
She then continued talking about some guy's body or something..? 

Soon after she started calling him a snack and all, the whole class went wild. 
I'm pretty sure the whole school could hear this right now...

I rolled my eyes and just continued my work amongst all the laughter that was going on around me at the moment.

While the girl was still talking, a name was suddenly being chanted through the class and everyone started pointing to this guy's back, who was sitting in front of the class.

"Marco! Marco! Marco! Marco!"

The dude that they were pointing at looked back and my god had this insanely good looking smile pasted on his face, while bopping his head slightly to the class chanting, I'm guessing his name?

Then some seconds later, a slightly eerie noise come from the speaker and it had gone quiet. 

I guess someone finally decided to turn that off.

The whole class was still in laughter and amazement, while the guy at the front, Marco I presume was casually smiling along. 

So I guess that's the new student everyone was talking about this morning.

Hm, he wasn't that bad looking either, he looked like some guy from last year..what was his name? 

But just like every good looking guy, he always becomes popular, then all the girls wanna get him and then he like yeah.

Oh Noah Flynn or just Flynn.

Yeah, kinda reminds me of that guy..

Anyways, the bell finally rang and students had filled up the hallways.

Not far away from me, people were whistling and cheering and were telling some girl to "get it".
I guessing, they were talking about the girl that was over the speakers, I gave a small chuckle to myself. 

Then someone nudged me, I whipped my head to the right and saw the new guy Marco. My eyes widened, but I tried real hard to keep my cool.

"So, you think that stuff is funny too right?", he chuckled.

I shrugged my shoulders in reply, because if I talk I will somehow make it really awkward, because I cannot talk to people and I also don't wanna be involved with the new guy unless I want to get my head torn off by the OMG's.

He then nodded and walked away and up to some girl who was at her locker with her two friends, I think?

I walked passed them and overheard a bit of their talking.

I figured the girl he was talking to is the "get it" girl.


Author's Note

Hey yall, so that's all you're getting for noww.

I just watched The Kissing Booth 2 and I am absolutely in love with it and about to watch it the 2nd time.

I fell in love with the new character Marco.

And I think that he deserves a bit of love and just came up with the idea of writing this bookk
SooOOOO yeahhH

I hope you enjoy a smol preview of it and I shall continue writing the rest and hopefully some chapters will be publishes soon enuff

So hope you enjoy reading! <333 xoxooxoxo

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