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Stepping out the front door and saying goodbye to my family who was in the living room watching 'Despicable Me 2', the movie with those funny minion creatures.

"Bye family!-", I shouted as I was about to close the front door.

"Wait!", the donkey has spoken once again.

"What.", I turned around with an unamused look.

He came jogging to the door from his spot on the couch.

"Nah, nothing. I'm messing with you.", he then spun back on his heel and headed back to the couch.

"You're funny!", I screamed my lungs out at him in sarcasm.

"I will throw this rock at you!", I quickly picked a small rock up that was laying by my foot.

"You won't!", he fought back, while sitting lazily in his spot again.

"Can you two human beings of the lord stop fighting please? The minions are singing!", my mum was whining from the couch, in my dad's arms.

"Yeah yeah. Goodbye my beautiful family!", I said sarcastically while blowing kisses to them.

Shutting the front door and starting my walk to school, I popped my earphones in my ears once again and listened to my favourite tunes.

Reaching the school gates I walked in, keeping my head down slightly and focusing on the beat of the song.

Then I started to notice people giving me glances and stares as I walked through the very long hallway.

Oh, that's right. The video of me must've reached every pair of eyes in this school...

Keeping my stare now straight to the floor, I quickly speed walk to my class, English.

As I reached the classroom door, I quickly spotted a free spot by the back corner and sat down.

Taking my earphones out and sliding my phone inside my bag that was next to me, I began to take out my books and pencil case.

Not long after, the teacher had walked in and following him was Marco.

Did I mention that we litterally have every class together? I know riight? So much fun indeed.

I kept my gaze on the teacher but spotted Marco giving me the same stare as everyone else.

This is just great.

Marco took a seat beside one of his friends.

"Welcome to another day of English peoples! Today we are doing some easy stuff, so get your books out and flip to page 84, copy and summarise that page then answer the questions following that-", the teacher was saying, right after he got interrupted. 

There was a knock on the classroom door and after a few seconds that person let themselves in.

"Is there a Y/N Harper in this class?", the school office lady had requested.

This is just amazing.

The teacher gazed around and tried to spot me, I then slowly raised my hand to reveal where I was sitting.

"Well up you get Ms Harper.", he called out.

I slowly nodded and slipped out of me seat and shuffled to the front of the class, trying to ignore the ongoing mumbling and whispers.

"As, I was saying. Anything you haven't done is set for homework.", the English teacher had continued after I made it out the door and followed the office lady.

We were walking through the hallway towards the principles office, both of us in complete silence besides her really loud clickity clack heels that made beautiful music to my ears each time it had came in contact with the floor.

She had opened the door to the principles office and gestured for me to go in.

I sighed.

"Good day Ms Harper.", the principle spoke with an unsteady tone of voice.

I nod.

He then started pulling out his phone, without even pulling his phone out fully out of his pocket I open my mouth. 

"Yeah, I know about the video, sir.", I mumbled, standing there with my gaze towards this really interesting looking table leg.

He hummed in response.

"Well, do you know the consequences for doing that to a student?", he replied.

As soon as he finished his sentence my head shot right up and glared at him.

"I didn't do anything!", I shouted.

He blinked and paused.

"Well, now now. No need to raise your voice Ms Harper. Please, take a seat then and explain.", he pointed to a chair that was in front of his desk.

After I told him the whole story of what really happened yesterday, he nodded and typed something into his computer, I just sat there and watched.

"Okay, you can go now Ms Harper.", he muttered, keeping his focus on the screen.

I then shuffled outside and headed back to class to get my stuff as the bell was about to ring.

Just before I pushed the class door opened the bell decided to ring. This led to me being flooded with students trying to go through the door all at the same time, then someone shoved me as they were trying to get out.

I turned to see who it was and I'm pretty sure I saw the back of Marco.

That was a bit rude.

I shook my head and eventually got through to my desk and my things.

The English teacher was still at his desk doing teacher things.

"So I guess all of today's lesson is for homework.", he called out to me.

I sighed and mumbled, "Yep."

After I had gotten my stuff, I made my way to the cafeteria.

Sitting down in my usual spot, I soon see Mia strutting my way.

I was looking down at my bag of chips.

"Hey, you.", I heard her hiss.

"Hm?", I hummed and I slowly looked up.

"Thanks, I have detention because of you.", she spat.

"You're welcome?", I replied and shrugged.

"Ugh.", she scoffed and strutted away with her two henchwomen by her sides.

I guess the principle made things right, I smiled to myself.

Then I felt a poke on the back of my shoulder.

"Uh hey, Harper.", a guy's voice said behind me.

I turned around to see the yearbook guy. Don't really recognise him because for some reason this guy decided to turn himself into an emo or a goth or whatever you call it.

Anyways, he was the one that poked my back shoulder blade to me precise.


Author's Note

Ouybsjdjr this is kinda of a double update which is pretty okay with me.

UhhHh thank u for the people who are actually reading my crappy imagination skilzzz but ykykykykk its alright riiight?

Anywho hope yall enjoy this chatper.

Ahhhh dw dw its not getting juicy yett

Just be patient

Ive got a lot of plans for juicy stuff with marco further on in the bookkk so yeahh

If u want im open to ideas just comment and i'll check them out!!

Happy reading

Xoxoxoxoxooxox <33333

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