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"Uh, yes yearbook guy?", I mumbled as I saw him.

"Look, I'm sorry for uh posting that video of you and Mia going off at eachother. I didn't cut anything out or anything, I just started recording after shit started. Didn't know Mia was a total bitch about it.", he said sorrily with his head down.

I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder, "It's all goods man."

I gave him a small smile.

He slowly looked up and a small smile also appeared on his very very pale looking emo/goth looking face.

I nodded.

He then nodded back and walked away, "Okay, see you!"

I shook my head and chuckled to myself then, went back to my bag of chips.

Then I felt ANOTHER person poking back.

I sighed and put on a fake smile, "Look emo guy, I said it was fine-"

I turned around and met face to face with someone who doesn't even look like the emo guy.

Ya'll wanna take a guess on who just poked my back?

Yes, the dumb stupid looking Marco.

I shut my mouth and gave him a blank stare then turned back to my chips, facing my back towards him.

There was nothing, not a word.

I then felt another small poke on my back, I turned around annoyingly but came to see Marco kneeling on the cafeteria floor, his head bowed down and his arms presenting and holding up to me a burger..

A deliciously looking burger to be honest.. 

I made a puzzled look and looked from the burger to him, then again from him to the burger.

"What is this-", I started mumbling like usual.

"A sorry gift about yesterday and everything else.", Marco cut in, slowly lifting his head up looking at me.

He had this really guilty, sorry look on his face and his eyes super big like a puppy.

Since when the heck did have a puppy looking face?!

I rolled my eyes, "Do you really think that..really deliciously...juicy..burger will make me happy?"

A small grin washed over his puppy face look.

"Maybe..?", he said enthusiastically, with a glint of hope in his voice.

I folded my arms and stared at him.

"Oh my god, is she making Marco kneel for her?", I heard some whispered and mutters around the cafeteria.

I ignored the person and kept my focus on Marco.

"If I take this really good looking burger, will you leave me alone?", I proposed to him.

He nodded.

"Hm...okay then..", I was hesitant to grab the burger but in the end obviously took it.

I mean, it looked amazing, how could I not?

I then turned around happily to my now sad looking bag of chips.

As I was about to take a bite of the burger that was now mine, shuffling was going on behind me as I heard Marco getting back up on his feet. But instead of hearing him walk away, this guy had the audacity to jump into the seat next to me.

I whipped my head to him.

He was smiling to himself, "You know that was the first time you ever talked to me, properly?"

I was glaring at him.

"I thought you said you were going to leave me alone.", I muttered.

"Meh, I changed my mind. You're easy to annoy.", he said as he also spoke with his hands.

"So, can we start over? Hi my name is Marco", he extended his hand towards me.

I looked at his hand and thought for mere a few seconds.

"Y/N.", I said mumbling as I shook his hand in a small quick motion.

He then clasped his hands together, "Yes, so now we are friends!"

I nodded my head and finally took a bite out of the burger which was still in my hands.

"Why don't you go sit with your other guy friends?", I asked him with my mouth full.

"They aren't really my friends, they just want me to hang out with them, but I don't really wanna.", he replied in a talkative manner.

He then chuckled and smiled to himself, "But, I really do find that Elle girl interesting.."

I tilted my head to the side slightly, "Who?"

"Oh, the girl that was voiced over the speakers earlier talking about my rather appealing figure.', he said while giving me a smirk.

"Ohhh herrr", I said, then continued to casually munch on my burger.

He just looked at me in a confused gaze.

"Wow, so you're one of the only girls besides Elle who doesn't come drooling at my feet because of how I look.", he muttered, observing me closely.

I scoffed and shook my head at him, "You're just like every other guy who are all self centered and buried deep within their huge ego."

"Oh, c'mon. I'm not as lame as them! I'm fun!", he then jumped up on his seat and started doing the disco dang thing.

I nodded, "Yeah, you're a special one."

He then jumped back down and propped his elbows up, resting his head on his hands.

He then gasped and slowly turned to me. 

"You can help me with Elle and get her to like me!", he whisper shouted.


Author's Note

Yyeeehhaww another chapter down and dusted!!

I havent really like checked over them for grammer checks and all, i just skim through them as im going.

Sorry if there are a few mistakes!

Once the book is finished i will go back and edit all of the chapters one by one!

UHhh hope you enjoy this chapterrr and thanks to everyone who is supporting meee :))

xoxoxoxooxoo <3333333

His Name Is Marco. (The Kissing Booth 2 FF)Where stories live. Discover now