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"Hey person who is in my class, what's upp?", I heard a familiar voice talking to me.

I turned around and saw Marco?

It has been one day since the 'get it' girl incident.
Marco has been talking to be just randomly during class, just the small little things though, I think he doesn't even know my name to be honest..

I just shrugged my shoulders in reply, like always.

"Why are you always doing that!", he pointed to my shoulders and crossed his arms.

I shrugged again and continued to walk to science class, which we both have together.

"Dude..", he huffed after I shrugged my shoulder again.

He then looked up and saw his other friends and jogged over to them, leaving me be. Which I quite enjoy actually.

Well, ever since the new guy came he has been getting well known all across the school, I'm not even suprised.

I think he had about 10 girls confess to him in the first few days! First few days. Just wow.

But then again, hell who am I to go near him or speak to him, don't want death coming early from those girl freaks do we?

I walked into the class and sat down, taking out my books and science stuff, you know the usual.

Then some person decided to come to my bench. 

I kept my head down, while starting on the science work that the teacher had wrote down on the board.

I felt a pair of eyes staring into the side of my head, but I kept my gaze down on my work.

"Are you going to like say 'hi' or anything?", I heard the yet familiar deep voice of Marco.

I shrugged in response.

"Oh my god, if you shrug one more time when i'm talking to you, I swear!-"

"Okay, class! Today we are doing some partner work after you write down the information on the experiment we are going to be doing.", the teacher at the front explained to the class.

"Hm, now you're going to have to talk to me.", Marco had responded confidently.

I remained silent, finishing the notes.

Marco was observing me, then he decided to start writing the notes as well.

After I had finished with the notes, I started on the experiment, hoping to do it on my own and without Marco.

Look I don't even know what this guy's problem is, i'm pretty sure he has his own friends to talk with, but he just has to annoy me.

I had gone to the cupboards to get the equipment, on my way back I had bumped into someone's back, who had purposely decided to stop right in front of me.

Thus, half of the equipment had fallen out of my small arms and crashed onto the floor, drawing most of the class' attention to me.

I froze, I closed my eyes, trying to hold in my anger and keep myself calm.

"Oops, sorry. Didn't know you were behind me?", Marco has chuckled in front of me.

Without saying a word, I began to pick up the fallen equipment and placed it onto my bench.

"Stupid, ass, donkey..", I muttered under my breath.

"Hm? What was that?", Marco asked in a high tone of voice.

I shrugged back, mocking him.

Finally, the bell had rang and I am out of here.

"Wait!", I heard Marco call out to me.

I kept on walking, maybe a bit too fast and bumped into someone, knocking them down.

"Oh crap, I'm so sorry.. it was an accident.", I mumbled, trying to help her.

I was picking her things up, then I saw who it was, just as my life couldn't get any worse at the moment.

It was Mia.

She was part of the OMG girls.

I internally died.

She was death staring me.

I chuckled nervously.

"Hey shrugging girl wait up-", Marco had caught up to me.

I looked back at him, glaring.

Then Mia was suddenly fricken Angelina Jolene in acting.

"Ouuww", she held her ankle.

"What the-", I huffed.

"Gurl, you seriously had to run into me like that? Like, I didn't even do anything??", she whined, fake tears somehow SOMEHOW, brimming her eyes.

"Dude, I said it was an accident.", I mumbled at her.

"Wow, you have the nerve to lie like that too, huh?", she scoffed.

I gaped my mouth, speechless at what this whore is saying right now.

Marco stepped in front of me and helped Mia.

"Wow, I never thought you were this kind of person.", he said to me, while helping her.

"Are you fricken serious?!", I shouted at him and Mia.

They both looked stunned and taken aback at my sudden loudness.

I scoffed and chuckled, "Just.Wow."

I then walked away and heard a bit of Mia saying, "Hah, I seriously don't know what's wrong with her", then her disgusting ass laugh was followed by that, as Marco was still helping her.


Author's Note

yessir its the second chapter yeehee


I'm so excitedededed, ITS COMING IN 2021 GUYSS, JUST ROUND THE CORNER.


anyways hope you enjoyed this chapterr ;c

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