Chapter 6

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After he managed to devirtualize Saphire according to the instructions she sent over and then got the rest of the group back on Earth, Jeremie quickly made sure there was no real or fake X.A.N.A. attack still active and then rushed down to meet the gang downstairs in the scanner room.

Aelita and Odd had come out first, before Saphire. Just as Ulrich came out of the scanner behind Odd, the scanner holding Saphire whooshed open and out she came. She was only up on her feet for a few seconds before she fell forward. Ulrich and Odd grabbed her on either side just as Yumi came out of her scanner behind Aelita.

"Well, it worked. She's here." Odd stated the obvious.

"So what do we do with her now?" Yumi asked, looking around.

"I don't know. I guess we wait for her to wake up so she can give us some answers." Ulrich offered.

"There's a chance she could regain her strength by then." Yumi reminded them.

Odd watched as Saphire stirred slightly. He started to lean towards her when suddenly, she gasped loudly and snapped her eyes open. She had been breathing weird on Lyoko, but it sounded much worse now. Every inhale in and exhale out was rough and seemed to be a struggle. Plus, she was opening and shutting her mouth like a fish out of water. Her arms and legs thrashed around as if she were trying to swim against a fast current.

"Whoa, what's happening?" Odd widened his eyes and looked between Saphire and Jeremie. "Did something go wrong during the devirtualization process?"

"I-I don't know! I followed the instructions perfectly, even double-checked my work! Maybe I should have triple checked?" Jeremie replied helplessly.

Ever since he found himself struggling to understand all the weird happenings on Lyoko — which he now knew were all of Saphire's doing — and was no help to the group at all, Jeremie felt inadequate about how good he actually was. On top of that, he had thought himself to be a Lyoko expert by now, but according to everything he's learned over the past hour, he wasn't so sure anymore.

"A-air." Saphire choked out.

"She said air!" Aelita cried out, breaking Jeremie out of his thoughts.

"Well, what are we supposed to do with that?!" Yumi exclaimed, feeling panicky at the sight of Saphire writhing around on the ground.

She knew this was a bad idea. She knew it from the moment her eyes landed on Saphire. Something wasn't right. There was just no way any of the things she had said was real. And now, they had gone and devirtualized some alien girl onto Earth. Yumi clenched and unclenched her fists as she wondered if CPR would be any help.

Saphire could see dark spots rising in the back of her pupils. Her throat burned as her lungs refused to work the way they should. She tried to ignore her own chokes and force her hand into the pocket of her pants. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was thankful she had been devirtualized in the same attire she was wearing while she made her departure from Lyoko. If she had been devirtualized in the little girl outfit her father had dressed her in before abandoning her on Lyoko, she would have been so screwed.

Saphire felt around until she found what she needed and pulled out a thin needle. The liquid inside was clear, so for a second she was worried there weren't anything left inside, but then she remembered she had been rationing it to the point of leaving just enough for in case of an emergency. Which this definitely was. Without wasting another second, Saphire shoved herself up and then quickly jabbed the needle into the crook of her elbow.

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