Milo Delevan, Sunday evening
It'd been a whole week. A full week. Tomorrow was Monday and I still ain't hear from Anais. Same with Luca. I was starting to think the nigga was dead. I was worried as fuck. The nigga ain't never been gone that long. He ain't text, call, nothing. The nigga went ghost and everytime I tried locating him, it would come up as blurry or just a dark ass vision.Anais too, she just disappeared all together. I couldn't be sure though because I ain't check on her. I ain't wanna keep violating her privacy like that. She deserved it. I was just hoping shawty would be at school tomorrow.
I was really tryna get with her. I ain't never been serious bout a girl in my whole life. With her, I felt like nothing could go wrong. We both had the same interests, same hobbies, music taste, all of it. She was the girl version of me. Literally.
Everyday this week was the same shit. I'd wake up, shower, get dressed, leave for school, sit at our normal lunch table by myself, come home, zap my homework done, order Chinese food and watch tv til I knocked out. But of course I would wake up at 3am on the dot to check my phone.
Every time I did, my text messages didn't go up or down. Still at 1 and it was from one of them scamming ass numbers talking bout 'click this link and you'll be rewarded with $1000'. As soon as it went up to two, I was answering the shit immediately. Even if it wasn't Anais. I needed someone to talk to.
Lowkey another reason I brought Luca back home. I was lonely here by myself. I wasn't good at meeting new people at all and when I did, It didn't last. So meeting Anais was sum low-key new for me.
Opening up my phone, I opened up instagram. It was dry per usual so I decided to take a look at my page. My page was dope and I loved the feedback I got on my posts. I was bout to hit 20k in a second. Especially since the painting I did with Anais.
Ever since we posted it, it got hella good feedback. I even helped her gain about a thousand followers from her lil 300 she had. Got her work noticed by some dope ass people I followed too.
Looking at our painting, my eyes couldn't help but wander over to her sitting next to it. She looked tired. I remember her being high and tired that night. She did that lil kissy face she does in all of her pictures with a peace sign.
She was just mad fire. Pressing the photo, I clicked on her tag, taking me to her page. She wasn't active at all and it made a nigga worried like what the fuck happened. She never went one morning without posting her lil breakfast or a selfie taken at night with her LED lights in the back. Shit was just off. I wanted to get to the bottom of it, but I also figured she needed her space.
I just missed her. It blew me how she was my girl but not my girl. I couldn't tell if shit was moving forward for us or not. I will admit Luca did give us a lil push but that was it.
We was gone need more than a lil push at this point.
Anais Jones
Sitting on my bed, I lotioned and moisturized my entire body head to toe. I had just got out the shower after a long day walking through the park. Today was just mad relaxing.I ate a healthy breakfast, showered, got ready and went for a walk. I watched the scenery and reflected on my life and shit. Kind of how the main character did in nem movies. Today was the perfect way to spend my last "me day." Tomorrow, It was right back to school for me. I low-key didn't want to go back but I also missed being around my peers.
Throwing on a large white tee, some grey shorts, and fuzzy socks, I left my room and headed into the kitchen. I deserved a snack and a small dose of weed. I grabbed a chocolate bar, a half eaten bag of marshmallows, a box of graham crackers and a plate.
General Fiction"Wishin' that I was yo nigga." 🔮🖤 Imagine getting everything you wanted with the snap of your fingers. Even the girl of your dreams. 3 POV's Milo Luca Anais ~Entanglements~ DISCLAIMER~ do not not get thrown off by that first chapter!!! (the whol...