Chapter 35:"The Spark of Fire"

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Todday Seiichi was on the way to certain village that there a sight saying that there a sight of the HUman eating Demon, before he go to village he need to read the report how many people was missing and it seem there a lot of people was missing on the night especially the Hunter was never come back when they got deploy into that village obviously the Human eating Demon. He go to the Village with Kazeshini, Alex, Zangetsu, and Tsubaki with other Hunter who was patrol on that Area.

They go to the Village using the Car and before they enter the Village, they stop at the side of the road,They walk in front of the Gate of the village but they stop when they somehow got tense.They arrive at the Evening 1 hour before the sun set.

"It such a creepy place..." Kazeshini say look toward the Gate of the village who covered in Mist

"Indeed..." Zangetsu agree

Suddenly an old man come to them,"I suggest you lot to not come in there..." he warned them

"Oh? pray tell?" Tsubaki ask

"A lot of people missing in there and never return especially at night... they saying that they got lost inside the mist and never get out from the Mist..". That's why this village is called as 'Curse Village'..." The old man say turning his back,"I suggest you to not come inside if you want to go back alive..." he go away leaving them alone

"Intresting..." Seiichi say hummed

They enter the Village in close like Guarding each other back, They noticed that the Sun didn't go through the Mist make an eerie vibe, They also noticed the people looking at them and whispering at each other. Seiichi can see their eye look dull like there no life in it, They keep walking until a man come to them

"What your bussiness come in here?" A man ask locking his eye with them make them halted look at the man

"we come when we heard that there a lot of people missing at night and we're come to investigate..." Zangetsu say who was in lead ,Captain of the Team.

The man become pale, stiff just like he just see a ghost,"That just a rumour!!" he say more like defensely

Tsubaki show his badge," We are the Demon Hunter from Japan Exorcist Association... we come because we heard that a lot of people was missing at the night"

The man wide eye slightly look at them with calculative gaze,"Allright... i'm the Mayor in this village-" he got cut off when the bell rang make the man wide eye gone pale white like a sheet,"follow me!!" Mayor say gestured them to follow 

They followed the Mayor because they has no choice to follow when his aura presence is screaming


Seiichi look around when he noticed that the Mayor was going to the underground, They go follow Mayor and indeed thay saw a lot of people was looking at them in caution,They can see the People was holding their children like Protecting them from something,They can sense these people presence and it was-

Fear, worried, anxious

Mayor gestured them to sit while he sit across them,The Team was look around the people around them, they can feel their feared when that bell ring and the people begin to hurrily go to underground

"Can you tell us what happen? we can feel a strong Fear emotion from you all..." Zangetsu say

"Indeed... ever since 1 years ago, a male come in here... he saying that he only stay overnight but after that man dissapear, the people who was in this village was dissapearing one by one and one night, we saw something that i can't forget... a Humanoid figure with red slit cat eye like eating a human flesh, The people who see it they got killed in flash the blood was splattered through the wall and ground, I was the only one who survived but the Demon was run away when the sun come so we always stay hidden everytime the sunset..." The Mayor explained

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