Chapter 71:"A light at the end of dark tunnel!"

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10 minute before the sun is raising, Seiichi already feel his body is numb and his head is dizzy. He's hoping that he can come back alive since the stab, no, it's got implaed to his body and the same as Seiichi as he impaled him in his heart. He wonder if he gonna die along with Carthapillus or not.

5 minute before the sun is raising the barrier already got removed, Seiichi gritted his teeth when the impaled is move in his body. he can see the sky turning into orange colour. At corner of his eyes, he can see his beloved brother in worried and Akai-san in worried and concern, he saw the media halted didn't take photo because of the destruction.

Seiichi look up at the sky, slowly the sun is raising make him give serene smile with closing his eyes let Carthapillus desperate shouting fill of his ear as he turn into a dust let him fal into the ground only someone grab him let him lay in the ground

Seiichi open his eyes saw a teary violet eye in monocle,"You did well, the war is end..." KID say in shaky voice

"Seiichi!" A two voice run to him

"Akai, Onii-sama.." Seiichi say in whisper

Akai cradle his fragile body because of the hole in his chest and abdomen, He smile with teary eyes in his green eye,"the Organization is gone..."

"How's everyone?" Seiichi ask

"The healer already in there..." Shinichi say in teary eyes,"you are really reckless, Little brother"

Seiichi finally noticed a healer try to stop the bleeding make him sigh in content, comfortable."Good..."

"You can go to sleep... and i will in your side when you wake up" Akai say

"That is good idea..." Seiichi slurred let the darkness consumed him



A darkness that what he see when he open his eyes, he look around notice he sit in the chair in middle of nowhere until a voice make him sttifen in recognized

"I will let you alive until the dragon curse kill you..." Carthapillus say from behind of him

Seiichi stand up look at him,"You.."

"I already make a contract with the dragon that reside inside of you... i will keep you alive until the dragon will kill you someday... why you want to go home? there no one wait for you..." Carthapillus ask

Seiichi smile remembering his journey,"That not true.. they waiting for me... i can not die and if  i die, i will die as human..."

Carthapillus ,"Allright, i shall keep you alive until the dragon curse kill you..." He point at the bright light from the darkness,"look, your beloved person is calling you..."

Seiichi didn't bother look behind him run to the light and let the light engulfe him


a month, a month since Seiichi has gone into Coma. Shinichi and James is busy doing confrence and taking care of the media telling what happen. Haibara decided to do her life again so she stay as a child and let Prof.Agase and Kudo Family as her guardian, KID gone retired and never see again. Akai never leave Seiichi bed in 1 month until Seiichi twitch make Akai gasped

"Seiichi?!" Akai called him

Slowly his eyes is open slowly showing a bright blue eyes like an sky, he squinted his eyes for a moment and blink furiously

"Akai.." He mumble

Akai hug him in tightly,"Welcome back..."

Seiichi nuzzle at his neck,"I'm home..."

They parted away from hug, Seiichi look at his hand make him gasp, there no curse mark in it only a pure black covered his arm until shoulder.

"The healer tell that because of the Carthapillus curse, the dragon curse didn't effect you anymore" Akai explained make him hummed

Suddenly the door is open showing his parent and his brother, he immediately got tackle by his parent while Shinichi and Kaito look at him in relief joy. Shinichi turn to hugg his brother in teary eyes

"Welcome back, dear brother" Shinichi whisper

"I'm home, Onii-sama..." Seiichi whisper back

Shinichi look at Seiichi observing him in silence

"How long i sleep?" Seiichi ask

"1 month..." Akai told him

Seiichi wide eye in surprised saw the mirror saw his golden eyes still in there but he can't see anything from his left eyes

"I can't see with my left eye..." Seiichi state

Akai grip his hand tightly bring to his lip to kiss it, "That doesn't matter.. you are here a live, that is more important"

"Yes, you are alive now, that is important..." Yusaku say in relief

Seiichi smile in pure joy, Yes.. He might lose many of people, he saw many hurtfull thing, his life is in war and bloodshed, he though he did not want to live because of the sight but because of this he meet bunch of excellent people and now it part of him. If people in the past ask him is he want to alive? he shall answer he did not know but now he can answer confidently

'Yes, i want to live until i die! along with my beloved person!' 

2 month has passed, the Hunter section got disbanded but there some who work to become Exorcist, Agent and other things. Seiichi back to normal again, in his free time of recovery he begin to write a book of his life along with other people who got sacrifice in the war. The Media already calm down except Shinichi got offered in various university the same with Seiichi, but He follow Akai back to the England while Shinichi stay in Japan doing his job as homicide detective and FBI consultant.

This is a story about the war that last for a hundred year that finally gone end, a story of a demon that killing human and the story of the Demon Hunter.




Hey guys finally the story is end after a few month...

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