Chapter 5:"The shrunken detective"

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2 Years past and Seiichi was was 17 years old,he become partner with Zangetsu,they are in great temwork beside the Demon also feared Seiichi because of his move and how he slayed the Demon with no hestitance like a Demon in human and of course this make got him tittle of 'Amaterasu' in Okinawa battle,he got invited with Zangetsu to Okinawa battle and it seem a Demon in there was increased greatly especially when the sunset appear and it make the other Demon Hunter nervous and worried because the human that got killed was increased rapidly.The firs time in his life Seiichi gone to battle field,a real battlefield.On Okinawa Seiichi kill a hundred of Demon in first 2 days make the other shiver and goosebumb,a 16 years old boy kill the Demon like a Master,A nights sky was full of blood coated in himself and the fores that make the moon also turn to bloodred moon,it was a massacree in okinawa he destroyed the Demon on ground and on sea.the people and Demon feared him and called him 'Amaterasu' (the sun of God).Seiichi also joined Zangetsu in a case as 'Mage', a purify and the other.

Tonight,Seiichi got day off and somehow he got insomnia because of him wake up at night but he don't care he can still sleep for 2 hour and max is 4 hour,he was in his room read a book,Shinichi was on date with Ran until he heard a ruckus from downstair make him confused and he go downstair saw a Prof,Agase make him sigh in relief

"it was you...Prof,Agase! You should said something nearly give me heart attack..." Seiichi say from stair

Prof.Agase laugh awakwardly make him narrowed his eye and he noticed something no- someone behind Prof,Agase make him smirk inwardly

"ne..have you seen Shinichi? Tropical land already closed down a long time ago..." he ask

Prog,Agase yelped,"i-I wouldn't know..."

Seiichi pretended to think then he lit up,"it couldn't be they confessed and they did it!"

"What the hell are you even thinking?!" A high pitch voice echoed behind Prof,Agase who facepalmed make Seiichi grinned

"welcome home... it's good you come back alive...except your size..mind telling me..." Seiichi ask

Shiniichi slumped in defeat,"'s long story.."

"then..let's get you a bath before you got caught a cold..."Shinichi protest got gone to a deaf ear

Seiichi let Shiniichi to take bath but before that Shiniichi call him,"aren't you gonna ask?"

Seiichi glance at Shiniichi,"am i supposed to? Whatever it is,you can save it so that Prog.Agase is with us,he also has the right to know why you shrank..."

Seiichi go to his father study room wait for Shinichi while he make tea to calm himself and not long shinichi come to study room with his old clothes

"we need to buy some clothes..." he mumble

Seiichi sit in front of Shinichi with tea in his hand while he heard what shiniichi tell the reason why he shrunken and the more deeper he go tell story the more he grip the cup more tightly until it crack slightly then he noticed the story is done and Shiniichi was in silent averted his eye to not look at Seiichi eye while Prog.Agase fidgeting in the sofa

"so..let me get this stright,so in short you ditched Ran because your sense if Justice or watherever it is decided that man in black were up to something,a fishy bussiness and you charge them head on without knowing anything...and they give you drug that make you i right?" Seiichi shorten the story with closed eye

"Yes..." Shinichi say meekly

Seiichi clench his hand in the cup more tightly until he sigh to calm his nerve and he put the cup in the table and when he put the cup in table,it crack and fall to piece make a loud 'CRASH' sound that make Shinichi and Prog.Agase flinch while Seiich ignored the tea that spill over

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