JADE [48]

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(Monday) (February)



Kevin: Hello, please make sure you VOTE & COMMENT. Do it now please so you don't forget.

"WHY DO you think God still created Adam and Eve, if he already knew that they were going to disobey him and wreck humanity?" Kiana randomly asks.

I take another bite out of the delicious sandwich that we got from this Haitian restaurant earlier, and look up at her. She's slowly sipping on her lemonade–which is equally delicious–and staring back at me expectantly.

"Honestly" I cover my mouth while I chew. The sandwich tastes phenomenal. I can taste how well seasoned the meat was, the flavor, the shabam, and everything. "This sandwich tastes amazing" I drop my hand from my mouth and take another bite.

"For real? I'm not even hungry for some reason" Kiana frowns.

"Yea, that's because you've been eating snacks since last night" I mumble through a mouthful. I put a hand over my mouth again and just moan.

"Don't act like you weren't eating them with me. When I woke up this morning, my bag of animal crackers was gone. How do you explain that?"

I swallow my food. "No comment" I grab my drink from the cup holder, because we decided to eat in the truck, and bring the metal straw to my lips. They serve bomb sandwiches, and they're trying to save the turtles, this Haitian restaurant in Philadelphia definitely has my approval.

I'm an hour and something minutes away from home and I don't think I'll mind driving back and forth here for more of their food. The customer service was terrific, and the food is good. I can't stress it enough.

"You look like you're having an orgasm" Kiana laughs, nearly causing me to spew my drink out at her. "Your eyes are rolling to the back of your head and junk, like what the hell"

"Girl, if this sandwich tastes this good, imagine how this rice and this legumes's going to taste"

"I'm highly sure you're pronouncing it wrong" Kiana removes the lid off her cup, dances the straw inside of the cup until it brings up a cube of ice to her. She sucks it into her mouth for a few seconds before loudly breaking and chewing it.

"Enunciation is not the priority right now" I put my drink back in the cup holder after I'm finished.

"Are you going to answer my question?"

I softly burp behind my hand before responding. "I thought about that myself because it doesn't make sense, right?"

"Exactly" she folds her leg on the chair and leans back against the door.

"I asked Mel. And she said that God has secrets that are not known to no one. Which I think also means that there are some questions that we'll have that no one, other than God, will have an answer to. That question, for example. Can someone other than God himself truly answer it?"

She nods, as in she understands where I'm coming from. "He's really a mysterious God"

I nod in agreement.

"Melanie seems like she always knows the right answers. To everything, you know?"

I nod again. "She's very wise. But no one knows the answers to everything. One thing she always tells me is, to make sure that whatever answers she gives me aligns with the word of God"

"And to not assume that she knows everything because she's learning every day just like we are" Kiana adds with a chuckle.

I laugh.

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