JADE [8]

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(Tuesday) (January)


"ARE YOU freaking following me?!" I exclaim in the store, for a moment not caring that every passing customer will be looking at me as though I'm mad.

Kevin's here, so I can't help it.

"Um, I was here first" he answers calmly, finishing whatever he was doing on his iPhone before safely tucking it into his pocket. I roll my eyes and place the two gallons of milk into my cart.

"Well, couldn't you stay wherever you're staying to text? Did you have to come to a store? At the exact same time that I'm here" I open the fridge again and pull out a carton of almond milk.

Kevin chuckles behind me, and immediately I stop what I'm doing to look him. The cold air from the fridge blows against my skin, sending chills down my spine. "How was I supposed to know that you were gonna come to the store right now? Maybe you're following me" he retorts arrogantly with a smirk.

I let go of the fridge door and it slams shut. "Says the person that paid a shit ton of money to find me" I lean down slightly and place the carton of milk in the cart.

"You have a point" He carelessly shrugs a shoulder and I roll my eyes at him again. A young woman in the store walks past him and nearly loses her mind upon seeing him. I watch behind him as she pulls out her phone and tries to secretly take a picture of him.

I instantly feel my eyebrows contract in confusion. It's like everyone knows something that I don't.

"Someone wants to take a picture of you" I nod my head towards the young woman behind him and he raises a brow in question. "Behind you"

Slowly he turns to look, and I watch as his body goes in shock when he realizes that indeed, the woman has her phone up and is taking a picture, or video, of him. A few seconds later, another young woman comes to join the previous one and her jaw falls open in pure shock.

I watch the whole scenario with a confused expression.

I'm definitely missing something...

Saying that throughout the five years that Kevin and I were apart I never looked him up on social media to see what he was up to, would be a deadly lie. My first year in Kinspring, I looked him up on Instagram nearly every day. Sometimes it'll be three times a day. I wanted to know if he was still with Mayra, my cousin, so stalking him throughout that first year kept me sane in a way. No matter how crazy it sounds, stalking him on social media and seeing that he wasn't posting with Mayra made me feel as though he was still mine. That he still loved me and still cared, despite how crude and raw he was with his angry feelings.

Kevin was never, not one day, ever an ugly man, so of course, his Instagram followers were sitting a bit at peak. But so was every other man with a light complexion, abs, soft wavy hair and a beard. Or even a stubble. People, especially females per say, follow sex appeal. The men needn't talent, as long as they were entertaining the idea of how the perfect guy should look physically.

Two years ago, I stopped checking for everyone that Jade associated with back in New Jersey. Two years ago I decided that it was for the best to take a break off social media. Two years ago I really decided to be Blue Byers without looking back. It's only been two years since I left Kevin's Instagram with him only having nearly eight thousand followers. What changed?

"Can we take a picture with you pleaseeeee?" One of the girls plead, sounding almost a bit desperate. I snap out of whatever daze I was in and continue to take in the scene.

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