Chapter One: Mare

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I sat on my bed, looking around my sparsely decorated cell for the millionth time since I got here. A small table with two chairs, a shelf with some of Julian's books, which I know Maven did on purpose to try and make me feel better (honestly the only way I pass the time), and a small bedside table. There's a bathroom with a toilet, sink, and shower out of the Arvens' sight, but I don't go in there very often since the Silent Stone hurts worse than their ability does. There's also an intricate chandelier in there, which seems weird since it's, you know, a prison cell.

Maven said I get a "fancy" cell because those are the small mercies we give the people we love. I scoffed at that, but I sometimes wonder if he actually loves me or if it's just obsession. Then I catch myself before I think about it too much and remember that he doesn't even know what parts of his personality are actually his.

No matter how mad Maven is that I killed Elara, I can't be bothered. She deserved it. She messed with and altered peoples' minds and thoughts, including him. He only misses her because she was the one person who was always by his side, even if she was just using him to get what she wanted.

I looked outside the tiny window above my bed. The lightly falling snow reminded me of the constant weight and pressure of the manacles on my wrists.

Another wave of rage coursed through me. How does Maven think caging me like an animal will win me over? How would I fall back in love with someone who does this? I seized my plate with some food still on it and threw it at the wall with what remaining strength I have. The Arvens watched without flinching, as they see me do this daily.

The door flew open, and the one and only Evangeline Samos strutted in.

"What do you want this time? Or are you just taunting me again?" I snarled. She tossed her silver braid over her shoulder, and her metal talons glinted in the light.

She smirked and said, "That would be quite entertaining, but actually I'm here by our king's orders. He wants to see you." I rolled my eyes. "Actually, he said right this minute." She smiled, showing sharp teeth, grabbed my arm, and started dragging me across the floor. I stumbled to my feet.

The Arvens closed the door behind me, and by now I knew not to try to struggle with Evangeline. She wouldn't have a problem killing me if she felt like it. Maven would be the one with the problem.

I had to lightly jog to keep up with her high heeled strides. When she finally stopped, I looked up at a heavy wooden door. Evangeline opened it and shoved me inside, slamming it shut behind me.

As I looked around the room, the first thing I noticed were the portraits of the Calore line on the large wall. I also noticed a few spaces where paintings were missing. I figured those had to be where Cal's pictures were. Maven wants as little as possible to remind him of his exiled brother. There was a library on the other wall, and across from the paintings, tall floor-to-ceiling windows that were letting in golden sunlight.

I slowly stepped toward them, hoping to at least see a view other than the one from my cell.

I was honestly surprised that the Arvens weren't stopping me, and when I looked back to check, they were gone. That was a bit strange, but I knew there were Sentinels and most likely Maven close by to stop whatever I tried.

I could see the bridge the Scarlet Guard blew up months ago over the river. I pushed that day and its pain out of my thoughts. I made a mistake then, and I've learned my lesson. I don't need to dwell on it.

I closed my eyes and let my mind wander a bit, and to no one's surprise, it wandered back to Cal. Our moments at night together flashed in my mind's eye, and I felt a flicker of hurt. It quickly transformed into hot rage. Being angry is always easier than being sad. I let it wash over me for a few seconds, then shook it off. Whatever he wanted me for, I should at least try to be cool. If I didn't make him angry, things were usually better for me.

I continued scanning the room, and I realized this was Maven's study. There was a lacquered desk in the center of the room. Of course my curiosity couldn't stand not investigating, so I quietly stepped over to it. I felt the urge to sit down in his chair just to make him mad. 

Speaking of Maven, when was he going to decide to show up? He said he wanted to see me right this minute, yet he isn't even here to accept his guest. How rude. But I can't say I'm surprised. Maven loves putting on a show, and he's good at it.

On the desk were piles of Norta's reports, all face down. I wanted to look, but I knew better. Even though I can't feel them, I know there are cameras everywhere watching me. I crossed my arms and glared at them, as if they were to blame for my situation. In a way, they are. 

A small noise coming from the other side of the room caught my attention, and I fought the instinct to run as the door opened. Maven came through the door, and instantly his cold blue eyes were on me. I couldn't help it; I got goosebumps. 

He strode over to his desk as I stared him down. He hides his emotions well, but two can play at that game. He settled down in his chair, clasping his hands on the desk in front of him. He gazed into my eyes. I glared in return, refusing to back down. 

His pupils were dilated, almost taking up his whole iris, but the color I could see was icy, pale blue. His face was all sharp lines, with a straight nose and a distinct jawline. A muscle in his cheek twitched, and a slow smirk crept onto his face. Something came over me, and I flushed and looked away. 

"Well, I guess you won," I said dryly. 

With the same smirk lingering on his face, he said, "Wouldn't be the first time." He stacked up the reports and set them aside. He cleared his throat. "As you know, I am trying to find newbloods. And since you're one, you could be a great help for my cause..." he trailed off, waiting to see my response. 

I knew this would happen.

My face stayed solid as stone. He sighed and went on, "Either way, you don't have a choice. And I promise, if you screw it up for me, you will be punished. All you have to do is read a speech I have prepared." I let out a deep sigh. I guessed that at some point he'd make me do something like this. But right now I'd do a lot to get out of Whitefire palace. Even if I have to spend the whole time with Maven. 

"Do I get anything out of this?" 

His eyebrow rose a little, and I could see he was a little surprised by my question. He probably expected me to fight. 

"What do you want?" he asked coolly. I looked at the empty space between the paintings on the wall, trying to think of something. I could feel his gaze on me, and my brand tingled. Suddenly, an idea struck me. All I was here was a political pet... and Maven's not-so-secret obsession. If I could play off of his "love" for me, then maybe I could get loose. It was an unlikely plan, but it was my only one. 

I dropped my gaze to look into his eyes and took a deep breath to ask...

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