Chapter Two: Maven

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Mare bit her lip and looked back at me with worried eyes. I didn't know what she was trying to do, but I closed myself off to her games. My feelings are the only advantage she has over me, and I can't let her use it.

She put her hands behind her back, took a deep breath and said, "Can I make a request?" 

I narrowed my eyes. "Go on. I know you have something in mind." 

She let out a sigh and closed her eyes. When she opened them again after a moment, she assumed the powerful gaze and stance she was taught as Mareena. "I want you to let me train. With you." 

I attempted to hide my shock, but I knew she could see it under my mask of calm. Mare knows me better than anyone. Alive, at least. I looked down and ran my fingers through my hair. "I can't just take off your manacles. You want me to think you wouldn't kill me as soon as you could?" I sneered at her.

"Of course not," she said, crossing her arms. "You probably should train more than you do, considering your court is just waiting for you to trip up and make a mistake. And I'm tired of days spent wasting away. I know you could easily think of ways I would be a better use to you stronger. And since you're scared of me, I could just join you during agility practice." 

Ignoring her jab, I rested my chin on my fist as I thought about her offer. I watched her as a plan quickly formed in my head. A stronger Mare would most definitely be useful. I had to stop myself from smiling, it was so good. I would let her think she has the upper hand, but this deal is benefiting me more than her. 

She looked down at her wrists, and I barely heard her whisper, "Just like it used to be." My face scrunched a bit. She's being vulnerable on purpose, I know it. Even so, the sentence sent through a rush of memories and emotions; I pushed them away as fast as they came. She thinks I'm weak, weak enough to be swayed by her bait. She should know better. 

I cleared my throat and she looked at me under her eyelashes. My colors, she's really trying. Little does she know what I have planned. I couldn't help myself, I had to laugh. She stiffened, and the glare I know and love is back. 

"What?" she snapped. 

"You can stop pretending to be helpless and innocent. You're not fooling anyone," I replied, still grinning. 

She rolled her eyes and scowled. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said, looking somewhere over to the side. I barked out another laugh. 

"If you say so, my dear." Her jaw clenched. I know how much she hates when I call her pet names, so I keep doing it. "Anyway, I agree to your deal." 

Her eyes snapped to mine in disbelief. 

"We'll start tomorrow." I almost cracked up again at the look on her face. Her mouth opened, and I expected to hear another insult, but none came. I smirked and waved my hand. "You're dismissed." 

She quickly pivoted and walked to the door. Two guards opened it as she reached it, and she threw one last glance over her shoulder as she went through. 

After a moment alone in silence, I got up and went over to the windows. I stared out with my hands behind my back for what felt like a long time, my mind filled of nothing but Mare. I was puzzled by her reaction. Nothing disarms the lightning girl. Maybe this place has done more to her than I thought. 

The idea circled my head back to training. She was right in the fact that I haven't been doing it enough. In all honesty, I haven't entered that room since she and Cal were sentenced to execution. My worthless excuse for a brother. I wouldn't have minded one bit if he hadn't been able to escape. 

But of course, if I started training again, with Mare of all people, I would have to join Evangeline. It would look strange if I didn't include her, and I don't need to give the nobles any more excuses to come after me than they have already. If I didn't have to, I would be well off never seeing that woman again. All she is is a pain in my side. 

But a necessary one.

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