Chapter 4

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"Come on Timmy! You can do it soldier!"

"Y-Yes Caporal!"

The two where outside doing some exercise. Well Timmy is doing them. The caporal only watch him do them. He want to see how far can the small boy handle.

A chronometer in hands... He read it to see how long they where here.

"1 hours and 45 minutes..."

In the cafeteria the older soldiers were watching through the windows what was going on outside. They where surprised to see the Caporal out and either training the young guy they have saw yesterday. Some cheer for Timmy to not give up, other where minding they own business...

Did you know that there was even a bet made?

Some had put a lot of money for the young boy to fail this. And some had put a little money for him that he would success the exercise.

Timmy pov :

I can't give up now! I have to stay like this with all this heavy stuff on me! I at least have to wait another hour to pass...

The caporal seem to have hope for me. But either way... He seem to be worried?

Well it's true that I have a strong force when it comes to pick up heavy stuff...

That's what even make me pretty fast tired!

But if I want to have muscles... I have to keep going!

Uh? Wait a sec... Are those the old soldier the caporal had talk to me?

Why are they watching me through the windows of the cafeteria?

They seem to cheer me up...
Are they this happy to see me doing that? Or are they encouraging me to fail this?

In either way... I am not lucky.

I look back to the caporal. Now, He seem to either be busy at watching his watch, than seeing that some people are watching me...

Anyways! I need to see my father! And for that I have to work very hard here!

Caporal Gerald pov :

This kid... He is pretty strong on picking up the heavy stuff. And I'm impress by that. But I want to see how long he can keep this on up. Because if he want to be strong enough. He have to be able to pick up the real heavy weapon he will have to hold after at least... When he is older and able to do that.

He seem to be determined now. The others must be eating at this hours..

3rd person pov :

After an hour pass...

The young boy had let go of the heavy stuff, on the ground. An huff sound and some pant was heard.

The caporal stop the watch and glance up to the boy.

"That's very good kid. You success this exercise."

"R-Really? Thanks god... My legs was starting to get some weird feelings there!"

The Caporal laugh a little. He came over Timmy and pat his shoulder.

"You know, 2 hours standing there with two heavy stuff. Is not much compared on how the other do it."

"W-What? Y-You mean they stay like that but more longer!?"

The caporal nodded has he hold a Laugh to come. He was actually messing with him right now. He found it fun to see the young boy like that.

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