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Tenten had no opportunity to explore the country with Neji as he had important matters to attend to as the crown prince. She had to wait outside paper doors for long hours on her knees which caused her terrible aches and cramps.

Finally, the paper doors were opened by the servants and Neji stepped out of the meeting room. Tenten stood up slowly in order to avoid a muscle strain and gave him a smile for his meeting with the king of the country of whirlpools ended early. The smile on her face dropped when she saw the weary look on his face though. She guessed that she would not explore the town or look for Tsunade anytime soon.

“Shall I prepare the bed for you?” Tenten asked to which Neji answered by giving her a nod. She bowed and followed behind her prince to the bathhouse where he changed into his undergarments while she warmed up his bed. Immediately the lavender eyed beau set his head on the pillows, he fell asleep.

Tenten watched as the prince slept and soon became mesmerized by his beauty. Soft snores escaped Neji’s half open mouth as his face relaxed with sleep. His dark brown hair sprawled gracefully on the bed and strands of it covered his face which Tenten gently removed with her fingers.

This man was handsome, unearthly so, and though he was a traditional stuck up jerk, he was a sweetheart. Neji specialized in subtly showing affection which Tenten, a good reader of persons, found out after spending some time with him. The cinnamon haired girl sighed as she caught herself staring; he was royalty and she a commoner, a maid. There was no way he could ever come to be with a like a lowlife like her.

Tenten gave a small sad smile as she watched Neji. She was contented with just being around him so she would not ask for anything more.

By the time the first rooster crowed, Tenten was up and doing her usual morning routine. She took her bath at the servants’ bath and got into her pink and blue servants’ kimono. Tying her hair in its usual buns atop her head, she gave a short morning prayer and ran to the prince’s bath to set the place. She sometimes assisted in bathing Neji or washing his beautiful hair. Tenten went to get the hot canteen to warm Neji’s futon, taking extra care not to wake his sleeping highness.

Neji slept from late afternoon to the next morning which made Tenten wonder whether something was wrong with him. He had refused dinner when she went to wake him up last night and went back to his slumber. Was he that tired? Tenten went to fetch his breakfast when she glanced at the sundial and saw that it was almost seven.

“Your highness, it is I, Tenten.” She announced and waited for his command to enter. When he did not answer, Tenten frowned and called louder to which Neji answered this time. “Ohayo gozaimasu. Did you sleep well?” She asked as she set the table and Neji slipped unto his futon.

“I did, thank you. I suppose royal duties made me weary.” Neji commented with a slight yawn. Even when he just awoke, Neji was radiant. Breakfast passed smoothly with Neji feeding Tenten some of his food. It had now become a routine so the concept of indirect kisses was lost to the wind. Tenten frowned when Neji took only a few bites of his food before he stopped in favour of feeding her instead and decided to call him out on it.

“You should eat more your highness.” She said as Neji extended his arm to feed her with tender mutton. The man paused and looked at her as if she were a strange creature but said nothing as he dropped the chopsticks.

“I shall take my bath now.” Neji announced and made to stand up when he was suddenly pulled back by Tenten. A slight yelp escaped Neji's mouth as he landed on the futon with a small thud. Neji sent a glare towards his maid but it fazed her none for she was used to it.

“No you shalln’t. Please Neji-sama, eat at least a few bites and I shall release you.” Tenten pleaded.

“This is the first time you addressed me as sama.” Neji pointed out to Tenten’s exasperation. The woman groaned and cast her own glare at the smirking prince. “Fine, I shall eat but a few bites.” Neji succumbed to her cute frown. “But you must feed it to me.” He added with a slight smirk and a raise of his perfectly arched eyebrows.

The Girl With Two Buns. A NejiTen FanficWhere stories live. Discover now