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Hey hey hey binge readers! It's time to take a break! Close your eyes and mention twenty Naruto filler characters. If you scored 15 and above, here👑. If you scored between 10-14 have a cookie 🍪. If you scored 5-13 you can manage a thumbs up 👍. If you scored below 5... Well... good job. E for effort.

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"Arigatou gosaimasu[1]." Tenten appreciated as she retrieved Neji's clothes from the laundry maid. She was about to leave when she remembered something. "Ah, his Highness wants for you to prepare him an informal garb, one without the royal colours if you might." Tenten informed.

"Without the Royal colours? What for?" The maid asked curiously.

"That was Neji-sama's orders. I shall take my leave now." Tenten went to Neji's room with the clothes which some maids collected, warmed and dressed Neji with. Tenten wondered why maids helped the royals to dress but she did not like how the maids ogled at his fine body. He is mine! She thought possessively. Neji seemed to notice her murder intent towards the maids and smirked in amusement. She seemed like she would summon a rain of sharp knives through a summoning scroll on the maids.

"I can dismiss the maids if you do not like the thought of another woman seeing me." Neji said after the maids left.

"As much as I would love that, I do not want to take away the source of their livelihood." Tenten muttered. Neji smiled at his lover's thoughtfulness and poked her nose lovingly.

"You are the only woman for me. Come now, I want to get this lesson over with." Neji said as he made his way to the paper door. Tenten followed behind him to the room where his tutor taught the workings of the kingdom. After two excruciating hours of waiting outside the room on her knees and with her head bowed, they were finally going to leave for the village.

Neji wore a tan shirt on grey trousers. Even with simple dressing such as that, Neji managed to look heavenly as if God just sent him down from above. Tenten was wearing the green and wine Chinese style clothes that she had received from her mother. Neji found her beautiful in dark green for the colour accentuated her milky skin.

"Are you Chinese?" Neji asked curiously as they were on their way to the village. It was a long path but talking distracted them from the journey.

"Why do you ask?" Tenten asked.

"It is but a simple thought of mine. Your choice of clothing and your name has always made me wonder." Neji admitted.

"For a fact Neji, my mother was Chinese. She is the owner of these clothes and the only one of my parents I have a memory of." Tenten smiled. "I only remember her voice."

"Oh. Sorry to have asked." Neji spoke.

"Ie, it is all past now. Don't worry and enjoy the village, Neji." Tenten dismissed with a nonchalant wave of her hand.

"Calling me on first name basis, now are we?"

Tenten blushed but then a sneaky smile crawled upon her face. "Of course, Neji-koi*." The woman laughed as Neji stopped walking abruptly.

"What did you call me?" Neji asked.

"If you failed to hear then forget that I said something." Tenten teased. "We are here!" She chirped as they reached the local district of their kingdom. The smell of dirt, animals and sweat was in the air but it was what Tenten loved. They did an exploration of their own in which Neji noted mentally the living standard of the people. He was glad to see that it was relatively good but it could be better for the rural parts of town.

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