Chapter 36

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She is sitting on the floor in the corridor. Her face is blank. She can think of nothing. Everything seems jammed and stopped as she is being stuck now for good. She wants to scream. She wants to yell for help. She wants to tell everybody what she has done but no one's there to listen to her. People around her are moving normally, doing their stuff with quite a routine. Nobody bothers to look at her. They all seems like run out of emotions. She wants a company. She needs someone, anyone at all but it feels like all in vain.

Time gets passed. She doesn't even move for a second from her place when she hears a noise of running steps. People are running towards her direction. She becomes attentive suddenly. She stands up. They are running wildly. Everyone looks pale and confused. She stops an old woman in her late middle age passing by her and asks her the reason of the sudden tension building among the people.

"They are fighting. They are fighting like real monsters. They are spreading everywhere and killing everyone who comes in their way. They will soon be here. You need to go. Now." The woman looks like in a shock. There is a great expression of horror on her face. She tells her with a broken voice.

"Why? What happened? Who is fighting and why? Tell me some details of what's actually happening here?" She asks her again with confusion.

"Look! We don't have enough time left. They are soon going to be here and if they get before we go, we are dead. I'm telling you now. Just run. Run for your life." She grabs her hand in a hurry and starts walking fast towards the direction where everyone else is running.

"We have to move to another kingdom to save our lives. This place has become very dangerous for us now." She informs her while on their way to the exit gate.

"What starts the fighting among them. Why they are becoming so monstrous towards their own kind?" She asks the lady again.

"Oh! It's all because of this Alpha boy. He was supposed to be our future leader before the conflict between the Moon and the Beast pack. He went disappear just after his birth and now when he finally shows himself up again, he is nothing but a monster. He took side with the enemies and started a war." The woman tells her in a disgust showing a great disappointment on her face.

"Wha.. No. This can't be. How..? I mean he is supposed to be dead. The Alpha. I learned he died somehow and the one you are talking about, who is he? He can't be "the Alpha". She stops there and tell the woman confusingly.

"Oh come on girl. You are too young to understand this. I am triple times the age of you are now. I have seen many generations and the fights between them. That boy. He is the one and only true Alpha. He is pure blood. I have seen no one from his age can be this powerful. I think he couldn't control his powers and they took him to the dark side. Now it is impossible to control him. This is end. If we stay here, we will soon become a history. Come on now. we have got to go." The woman explains to her with a manner of superiority.

"I can't. I umm I .. you go. Please. I have to stay. I can't go. You just go without me and unite with the other group. Please. Leave me here." she asks the lady, breathing heavily.

"Are you out of your mind? You pathetic little adventure seeking creator. Stay here and die. I am old but I'm not going to sacrifice my life for your crazy fancy mind." The woman speaks in an angry tone and starts walking away from her.


Here you go. Uploading another chapter and the story is now actually in its denouement so please read my story and let me know how is it.

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