Pucker up

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Micah pov

This is soo crazy . Of course I'll marry that man . He didn't even have to ask me. I'm one of those females who already has the whole wedding planned out. All i need is a dress and bridesmaids and we are set. I literally have a big ass book with everything ready. I drive to work when i receive a text. When i pull up to the red light i check it. From august

♡- turn on the radio to our favorite station.

OOOOOKKKKKKK.. i turn to the station and hear the host talking

"Yeah nicki know she was wrong for that. Lil Miley can't take that ass whippin.*laughs* but on the real tip. I have a message for micah form august alsina.. wow... august shouting a girl out? Must be serious but ok. Aug you there?....."


"I'm right here. Ulm what's up baby. If your listening you read the text already so go to work and do your thing. I love you baby ..you will get everything you wanted and more. Have a nice day and see you later.u love you micah." August said

"Alright you hear it here micah. Have a nice day and congrats on your engagement" the host says and they play kissing on my tattoos

"My baby really went out" i say smiling

"i don't want nobody but youuuuu kissing on my tattoos" i sing in the car all the way to work.

I pulled up to my parking space and walked into the office

"Hey Jill walk with me" i told the assistant

"Yes ma'am" she says following me

"So you have a meeting today and the rest of the day is planned outside of the office" she says smiling

"Huh?" I said sitting at my desk

" Yes and here are some deliveries" she says and like five men walk into my room with bouquets of red, white, pink, and black roses. And the last man has a scroll.

"Have a nice day Mrs.Alsina" Jill said as she walked away

"Oh and don't read the scroll yet." She reminded me

"Thank you" i told the men as they placed the flowers around my office.

I look and admire the roses. They are so beautiful.

"Oh snap my meeting" i say as I start walking towards the meeting hall.

I walk into the meeting hall and see my boss.

"Sit" he tells me

I sit in the chair

"Get your stuff and leave my office. Your fired " he says

"What ?" I asked

"Get out . Oh and congrats on your engagement. Now you can open your scroll when you step into your office. Well your old office." He says and walks out

What ? Omg what am I gonna do

I shed a tear and walk to my office

I sink into my chair and wipe my face and look around. I left Miami to get fired? Wow. I open my scroll and read

"I heard you were fired . Damn that's sucks baby but it's gets better and I'll always be here for you jobless or not . Open your old desk drawer.- hubby"

I open the draw and see a certificate

Congrats Micah
You own this company !!!!

Oh shit!

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