Idk anymore

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(A/N alright guys, sorry for posting this quite late, but I still had to deal with what happened yesterday. I'm here now though, so... yay? Anyway bitches, let's get into the mother friking story my guy. Oh! And don't forget... *whispers* he's a phantom!😆)

I'm, laying in bed on my phone when I get a text from Brandon.

Brandon🐵- Wanna FaceTime?😊

Me- Sure

Almost immediately after I hit send Brandon calls to FaceTime. I don't know how he called so quickly, but I'm not complaining.

"What's up?" I say

"Nothing, just bored, nothing else to do, so I wanted to chat with you for a bit."

"Glad to hear that I'm a last resort."

He laughs "It's not like that and you know it."


"Promise." He smiles and then says "Hey, why aren't you showing your face? I wanna see you."

I swear that melted my heart when he said that. I wasn't showing my face since I was crying about what Callie did, and I don't want Brandon to see me and worry. Cause knowing him, he's gonna make a big deal out of it and won't rest until he knows why I'm upset. It's so sweet, but really annoying at times.

"Just don't feel like it I guess."

"If I just wanted to just talk, I would only have called. It's called FACEtime for a reason you know."

I don't know what to do at first, but then I get an idea. "Hold on."

I grab one of my pillows and put it at the end of my bed, I put my phone up against the pillow facing me, and I sit all the way at the top of my bed. This way I'm technically showing my face, but I'm too far away for him to be able to tell that I was crying.

"There, happy now?"

"Slightly, but I want to see your face up close."

"But I look ugly right now."

"You never look ugly with your baby face and sharp jawline."

I blush "Wow, to have our school's very own Brandon Jacobson, Mr. Muscle man , Sir hot-stuff, Lord handsome, King Chick-Magnet give me a compliment on my looks is a great honor. I thank thee kind gentleman." I bow dramatically

He laughs and says "Stop trying to change the subject with your compliments. It won't work. I want to see your face."

I sigh and shake my head.

"C'mon! Please?!"






"Do it for me?"

"No way."



There's a few seconds of silence before Brandon says a quiet, "sorry. I didn't mean to pry."

"No, no, no, I'm the one who should apologize to you for blowing up like that. It was very uncalled for and rude. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, it's fine, I just... if you don't mind me asking... why are you so reluctant to show your face? Did I do something? Is it me?"

"No, you didn't do anything... it's just..."

Tears well up in my eyes again. I wipe them away with the sleeve of my long sleeve blue t-shirt that has a picture if a spongebob on the front of it.

"Um..." I look down as my voice shakes. "I didn't want to worry you..."

"Why would it worry me? What's going on? Are you hurt?"

"Um... uh... no. Not physically anyway..."

"Please Triston, tell me what's wrong. You have to trust me, I want to be here for you, I want to help."

"That's sweet, but there's nothing you can do to help." More tears roll down my face as I try to wipe them away.

"Why? Talk to me."

"Um, so you know how I'm adopted, and how my mom gave me up when I was 11? So um... I loved my mom, I really did. She was amazing. She was sweet, kind, and beautiful. She always put others before herself. Everyone loved her, so it was hard on me when I had to leave her."

Brandon listens with a concerned expression on his face.

"So... uh... I don't really have anything to remember her by... except... except... um... a p-picture of her..." I burst into tears

"Um... so... Callie really likes you... so she's j-jealous that I'm spending time with you... uh... so when I came home today after we hung out, she told me off about how she always gets what she wants and she'll do anything to get it... a-and..."

I pause, wiping the tears away and looking into my lap as I pull my knees into my chest.

"When I walked into my room... I saw that it was trashed. I knew that it had to be Callie who did this. I was annoyed but nothing else... until I saw... I saw that... she..." I start crying so hard that everyone in the house can probably hear me.

"What did she do?"

"She tore the picture of my mom to shreds. You can't even tell what it was a picture of." I manage to spit out through sobs.

"That picture was all I had left of her! And Callie knew it!"

"Oh, Triston... I-I'm so sorry. How could she do something like that?"

"I don't know, j-just forget about it. I don't want her causing anymore problems."

"I can't just forget about her doing such a horrible thing to you! You're my best friend Triston, I have to do something."

"There's nothing you can do! If you say anything to her, then she'll know that I told you and get even more mad at me. And then... I don't know what she'll do. You'll just cause me more trouble by talking to her. "


"Nope buts! End of conversation Brandon! I'm serious, don't do anything stupid, ok?"


"Ok!? Promise me Brandon!"

"Okay! Okay! I guess I won't do anything stupid."

"Thank you. Now goodnight, it's pretty late, and we have school tomorrow."


We ended the call and I flopped back on my bed. I turned my phone off and plugged it up before I got under the covers and went to sleep. So many different thoughts went through my head that night, and none of them happy. Worry. Fear. Regret. Pain. It was overwhelming. And I was so done with this.

(A/N Sorry that this one was a bit... who am I kidding? A lot shorter than normal. But when I tell you that I really had to squeeze this one out of my ass, I mean I REALLY had to squeeze this one out of my ass. I wanted to make it up to you for my absence yesyerday... but one girl can only do so much! I needed a break. Once again, sorry, love you, thanks for reading, bye bye.😙)

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