Juzo x Kyosuke {Jealousy}

474 10 74

Requested by: N/A
Type: Fluff
Warnings: a little sad, a little steamy towards the end
Note: I fucking hate the last one I wrote so here's another one.

Juzo's POV

Staring at the mirror, I combed my hair to look my best, for my true love, Kyosuke Munakata. The one and only man I have ever loved in my life, and today, I was going to make a big mistake, that was going to change my life forever... today, I was going to confess my feelings to him, and hope he'll accept my heart, but... not everyone is at the very least bisexual. And, I've had nightmares, where Munakata told me he was straight, and never spoke to me again, and I've had fears about him leaving me heartbroken, and... dating Yukizome. I know, it was stupid to love him, but I couldn't resist him. Yukizome has told me many times that I should tell Munakata, but she was in love with him herself. She likes to fantasize about him, and it somewhat bothers me. When I first blew up at her to shut the fuck up about loving Munakata, she thought it was him I was jealous of, but no. That's when I told her that I loved him. She seemed happy for an odd reason. But, I still think Yukizome and Munakata would be perfect, it makes me a little upset, but jealous. I'm so tired of seeing them giggle together, smile at each other, and maybe... hug each other, but they're my only friends. They're the only ones that make me feel wanted. I punched the mirror, as I had these thoughts. I drew a little blood from my knuckles from the impact, but it was fine, it happened a lot. I punched many things when I got jealous, it was the only way to prevent myself from crying. I get so frustrated, I cry. God... if only Yukizome weren't so close to Munakata, I'd be happy... no, I wouldn't. That would mean he wouldn't be happy. And that's all I really need from him. My feelings shouldn't matter to him. He is his own person, and his decisions are his. I looked down at my bloody knuckles, and shook my head with a sigh, as I made my way the the bathroom, to properly cleanse the blood so my wounds wouldn't get infected.

When I finished, I grabbed my coat, sprayed cologne on myself, and headed out my front door, locking it. I walked to the park, where I liked to relax. Usually I would with a small cupcake, or something. But I'm not going to be selfish today, and I already had breakfast, so I sat on a bench, resting my head on the back of it as I closed my eyes, taking a breath in through my nose. My hands were folded in my lap. A cherry blossom pedal fell into my hands, as I brushed it off. I pulled out my phone, went through the SNS accounts on my phone, and found Munakata's. I stared at it. This was a bad idea... I hesitantly clicked his account, and called him. After a ring or two...


"Hey Munakata, I was wondering if you could met up with me at the park?"

For what reason? I'm busy.

"Well, I need to talk to you about something important. I'd rather tell you in person."



Alright, where are you at?

"At the park, and the third bench to the left path, you'll see me."

Okay, it has to be quick though, Chis- Yukizome is here, and we're in town, I'll be there.

"Okay, I'll see you."

See you.

"I love you..." I mumbled after we hung up on the phone. I turned it off, and sat back, staring at the clouds. I sounded stupid, saying something he can't even hear. But, I'd much rather do that, than having him hear it. I tapped my foot on the ground, waiting patiently. With a sigh, I stood up, and walked to the pink, cherry blossom tree. I picked off a few, and sat back down. I pet the pedals gently, as I twisted the stem, making the flowers spin. I crossed my feet, setting the pretty, small flowers in the grass below me. And I was careful not to step on them. I clearly was acting different, I wouldn't ever fuck with these flowers, and usually would step on them for no reason, and I've never been so calm. This was probably because I was nervous. Well, doing all of this calmed me down.

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