Trans!Juzo x Kyosuke {Pride Parade}

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Requested by: not necessarily requested by 1-800-Draco-Tops , but I recommend this to you because you're the only person who really enjoys my JuzoSuke oneshots.
Type: Fluff/Smut
Warnings: Smut warning, gentle sex
Note: Juzo gets heartbreaking news, and doesn't take it to well. Kyosuke was a single father to his beloved daughter, Seiko. Juzo and Seiko have a deep bond, and she tells him everything. (I made that pic up there btw)

Juzo's POV

My whole world stopped. My heart dropped. My blood ran cold. Tears rolled down my cheeks. My lips pursed together, as I held back the urge to cry. I took a shaky breath. "I'm happy for you..." I trembled. Yukizome giggled.

"Thank you, Sakakura! I'm glad you're happy!" She sighed dreamily. "Imagine what our kids would look like! Probably like him, because he's so perfect!" She giggled.

"G-great..." I trembled.

"Are you okay, Sakakura..?" Yukizome asked. I sniffled.

"Oh yeah... I'm just... sick." I always used that as an excuse for my pitiful tears. She sighed.

"Again..?" She asked. I sighed, and faked a cough, but it was only for me to let out a small cry.

"Yup..." I mumbled.

"Aw... I'm sorry, Sakakura..." Yukizome said. I sighed.

"It's fine, Yukizome. Congratulations..." I said for about the fifth time.

"Thanks, Sakakura. Well, I have to go. Kyosuke and I are getting ready to go somewhere special. I'll talk to you later. Bye!" After that, she hung up. I was currently in my bathroom, leaning against the closed door, as I slid down, and sat on the floor. I sniffled. I suddenly let out my tears, and I silently sobbed into my hands. I knew it... Munakata loved Yukizome all this time... and he had to propose to her... my heart just had to fall apart all in one sentence... I took deep breaths, and lifted my gaze to the ceiling. I calmed my breathing, and I felt a little better. Why did you have to steal my heart, Munakata..? Why..? I slowly stood up, and walked out of the bathroom. I took off my current clothes, and put on one of my beige sweaters, and a pair of black pants with black boots. I walked out of my room, and grabbed my wallet. I took out my keys, and locked my door. I swung my car door shut, and then I was down the road. Thoughts continued to roam around my head. Don't be upset he's getting married to Yukizome. Be happy he's getting married in general. If he's happy with his choices, so are you. Because you support him, and you love him, don't disappoint him now. It's too late. You should've gathered the damn guts to tell him how you felt, but you were scared. You were scared he was going to leave you, Juzo. You were scared he would think bad about you. You were scared and worried if he had homophobia and... transphobia. Juzo, now there's nothing to be scared of, but one thing. If you tell him now, he'll completely freak out. He'll ask many questions, like, 'why did you tell me sooner?' 'I've been friends with two girls this whole time?' No matter how hard he pushes you to tell him the truth, you still can't. Even if it kills you, even if HE kills you, you'll never be able to tell him. He is your happiness, he is your everything, he is your fantasy husband, he is the point of interest for you, he is the light of your life, no, he IS your life. If you lose him, you have nothing... I arrived at the maid cafe, and parked my car. I got out, and walked inside the small building, and sniffed in the sweet smell of apple cinnamon homemade bread. I walked up to the counter, and waited for someone to come. Someone did, and she was a friend of mine since I've kept reoccurring.

"Hello Sakakura. How's my man doing?" She said.

"Hey, Hiroko." I said. "Could I have a take out, please?" I asked.

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