Danganronpa 3 Chat Room

373 7 11

Requested by: N/A
Warnings: NSFW
Type: Random/Funny
Note: I had some great ideas

Tengan: okay, this is my chat room, so fuck you guys

Munakata: uh- okay-?

Yukizome: welcome!

Sakakura: chile, wut did we do

Tengan: breathe

Sakakura: cHilE

Tengan: ew imma kick u

Juzo Sakakura has left the chat

Tengan: okay

Juzo Sakakura has joined the chat

Tengan: aw man

Munakata: rude but okay

Tengan: he's a dick

Munakata: I'm sure he's cruel and rude but that doesn't mean there's no good in him.

Sakakura: h-hey I'm not cruel..

Yukizome: punching kids and crushing their dreams? Big asshole right there.

Sakakura: .-.

Munakata: chile

Kimura: G u y s

Munakata: yes, lovely daughter?

Kimura: I h a v e a p i c t u r e

Munakata: of?

Kimura: Juzo I mean sakakura

Sakakura: wut?

Kimura: if you fuck up one time I'll send out a picture-

Sakakura: of me?

Kimura: in a maid outfit :)

Sakakura: O.O

Munakata: . .

Yukizome: oh- I-

Kimura: :)

Sakakura: ah

Ando: guys

Kimura: yes?

Ando: anyone wanna know what my Wattpad name is?

Kimura: no

Ando: okay, it's- uh. Why not?

Kimura: idk. No one asked

Ando: hmph!

Sakakura: *snorts*

Munakata: ._.

Yukizome: how was that funny-?

Sakakura: it just was, leave me alone.

Tengan: okay okay I have new names for all of you :)

Sakakura: oh god no

Tengan has changed Juzo Sakakura's name to seaweed_twink

Seaweed_twink: what the fuck?

Munakata: oh my-

Yukizome: omg-

Tengan: :)

Tengan has changed Kyosuke Munakata's name to albino_sword_daddy

Albino_sword_daddy: ._.

Seaweed_twink: oh- true tbh-

Yukizome: oml yes

Izayoi: those are just cursed-

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