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After we got kicked out of the strip club we all went to the golden gate bridge.
I walked off the bus after everyone else and went an sat next to neha on the picnic table along side billy.
I sighed as I placed my chin in my hands and look at stuart who was a little aways talking to nick.
"Do you agree y/n?" Billy asked.
"Huh? What? Oh uh yeah totally." I said lifting my head up and looking at neha and billy.
"You weren't even listening." Billy claimed.
"Sorry" I sighed putting my chin back down to my hands.
"You alright?" Neha asked placing her hand on my shoulder sympathetically.
"Yeah" I said bluntly looking at stuart agian.
Neha and billy looked at stuart then back at me.
They both sighed.
"What did he do?" Neha asked.
"Who? What? Stuart? He didn't do anyhing" I said letting out a nervous chuckle.
He did do something.
He got a lap dance from a stripper.
There isn't anything going on between us but it still hurt me to see some girl dance on him half naked.
"It's because he got a lap dance isn't it?" Billy asked.
"No" I horribly lied.
"We should of just left" neha said rubbing my shoulder.
"No, no its okay guys I just" I sighed "I just wish he would pay more attention to me. I mean am I not pretty enough? Am I to annoying or something?"I said looking up at them.
"What?! Your gorgeous. you and neha both. I dont understand how you two have so much doubt."
"Plus stuart couldn't be more into you. It's so obvious. He flirts with you all the time." Neha said trying to cheer me up.
"I don't need your guy's pitty." I effortlessly smiled.
"I'm not li-" neha began before getting interpreted my lyle.
"I'm texting saffron that I love her and I'm sending her a picture of little lyle when he made pee in the bushes. Look he is winking" he said wobbling towards us.
"Ew lyle" I blurt out
"Don't do that your drunk off your ass" billy said.
-skip time-
I was about to walk with everyone else on the bus until someone grabbed my wrist and stopped me.
"Y/n wait"
I turned around and made eye contact with him.
"Yeah?" I questioned.
He let go of my wrist and rubbed the back of his neck.
"So uh I was talking to nick and he uh pointed something out to me that makes um a lot uh sense to me now"
"And he made me realize if I dont do it now, one day it might be to um uh late"
"Do what?" I said putting my hair behind my hear.
He hesitantly grabbed my face and quickly kissed me.
I was shocked.
I was speechless.
I just stood there frozen in place.
He looked at my expression and immediately regretted what he had done.
"Uh I'm so so so sorry" he said nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
He kept rambling and apologizing.
"Stu- stu- STUART!!!"
he stopped and looked at me "y-yeah?"
"Shut. up." I said getting close to him.
I went on my tippy toes and cupped his cheeks.
I leaned in and kissed him and soon he grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him and we just stood there kissing.
Soon enough I pulled back and looked at him catching my breath.