Chapter 10: Be Your Everything

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**1 Week Later**

Draco’s POV

I had no clue what to think of the kiss Hermione and I had shared last week after those pricks were caught and punished for what they had done and were trying to do. She hadn’t made a move to do it again and in some ways I felt like she was avoiding me now.

I didn’t ask her to be my girlfriend, maybe that’s the problem. Maybe she fancies me and is hurt by the fact that I haven’t returned the feeling… I sighed and leaned back on the lounge chair in my room. I don’t what the bloody hell I feel for her…

I looked out my window and saw 5 yellow canaries flying around in controlled patterns. Hermione must be in her room… I thought watching her infamous birds. I had heard about the time she set them to attack Weasley and I definitely didn’t want to be her next line of fire.

Deciding I needed to clear my head, I picked up my guitar and walked out to head up to the astronomy tower. Classes still weren’t being held up there and it was one of the most relaxing places in the castle. As I was walking through the halls I heard feet racing up from behind me. I turned around and saw Potter come around the corner and then proceed towards me.

“Potter! What’s going on?” I called just as he passed me.

“Ginny!” Potter yelled back as he continued to run to the Hospital Wing where Ginny still was.

They didn’t know what curse she had been hit with but she had been out since that day. My intention hadn’t been to follow Potter but my legs started moving in the direction he had gone. I ran after him and caught up just as we reached the hospital wing.

Both of us burst through the door and saw Ginny sitting up in her hospital bed talking to Madame Pomfrey. She looked over at Potter and lit up, that girl was 100% in love with the wonder boy. I watched as Potter ran to her side and wrapped his arms around her then pull back and kiss her. Now, that’s definitely a man in love. I thought walking closer to them.

Ginny looked behind Potter and saw me standing there, “Hello Draco. What are you doing here?” she asked giving me a quizzical look.

“I don’t really know, I saw Pot- er Harry running through the halls and all he said to me was “Ginny” so I followed him, I thought maybe something had happened…” I said stepping a little closer. “I guess something did since you’re finally awake!”

She smiled at me, “I never thought I’d see the day when Draco Malfoy would show concern about somebody other than himself.”

I nodded my head agreeing with her before adding, “Me either.”

She laughed and turned to Potter, “Love, could you give me a minute with Draco?”

Potter looked at me and then back at her with a small smile, “Oh course Gin.”

He kissed her forehead and then walked out of the wing. Ginny smiled and motioned for me to come closer. “You care about her don’t you?” she asked seriously.

“I-I-I… who?” I stuttered sitting down in the chair next to her bed.

“Hermione. I’ve seen the way you look at her and when she was under that curse I saw how much her words hurt you. Tell me the truth Draco.” Ginny said quietly holding her arms across her chest.

“I don’t know what I feel.” I whispered looking down at the floor. That was the truth; I didn’t know how I felt about Hermione. I mean, yes her words cut me down but did I fancy her?

“Draco…” Ginny began as she turned to face me, “I think you know the answer but you’re afraid because you think nobody could ever love you. What you did in the past doesn’t define your future, people change; you need to live your life like you want to live it. You can’t let the past determine your future.”

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