A new OC :P

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Full Name: Kian Illuso Thorn

Age: 19

Birthdate: June 25, 2001


(FULL BODY DRAWING COMING SOON and is my art bad? Idk)

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(FULL BODY DRAWING COMING SOON and is my art bad? Idk)

Personality: He displays intelligent behavior in combat, mentally constructing strategies on how to beat the opponent and patient in waiting for the right moment. Outside his fighting occupation however, he is very outgoing and loves playing frivolous tricks on his friends. He is secretly scared of being betrayed by the people he cares about most because of his reputation in the family he estranged himself from. When confronted, he looks the person full on the face and gets really insulting in replies, which makes him look fierce.

Backstory: Kian was raised lovingly by his parents, but as the only son of the clan leader, he is bound to the Illusite tradition of child marriage. So his parents chose the daughter of an ally clan named Erica Hinata. He protested against the wedding, because he knew that the ally clan members were planning to attack them on that day, but it looked like he had no choice. So in the midst of the ceremony, he literally ran away. He laid low for a month, hiding himself in an orphanage. Eventually a couple took pity on his condition and adopted him. His stepsisters understood Kian's backstory and treated him like a real brother. So here he had a nice new beginning.

Fighting Stats:

Attack: 4/5

Defense: 4/5

Speed: 5/5

Stamina: 4/5

Response: 4/5

Intelligence: 5/5


1. Illusions: Kian has the ability to create illusions of anything that can confuse opponents. This is useful in sneak attacks and misdirection.

2. Camouflage: Kian can change colors to blend in the surroundings. However an opponent with an excellent sense of smell (like nekos) can discover his location, making this useless.

3. Scouts: Kian can make clones of himself, which he calls "scouts". They serve as reconnaissance and aids in fighting. Scouts have a very similar appearance to Kian, except that they don't have the gold diamond tattoo on the left hand like he does.

4. Kaleidoscope/Eidokinesis: Kian can bend and fold matter to his will, enabling him to change anything into anything. In the Mirror Dimension, this ability works well.

5. Morganite Corruption: Every Illusite is born with a Corrupt form depending on their assigned gemstone color. In this case, Kian's gem is morganite, a pink form of beryl. When agitated or threatened, his eyes turn pink, and the pain during the transformation causes him to mumble incoherent phrases while gripping his head. Once this phase is done, he now has increased strength, reaction time and power, and he gives off a disturbing aura. Usually after transformation, the catchphrase "Would you like to dance with me?" is said with a suggestive beckoning of the hand. To make him snap out of this form, a big slap on his face is recommended.

6. Sateen of Aether: His headband is actually a relic to transfer some of his magical strain, and can function as a whip. 


@mxxnmoo i think Yin should be his first target lel FITE ME 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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