Butterfingers Me

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Here is another school shenanigan story I want to share with you guys.

I had only two real friends in Grade 6, who I will call Thea and Amanda. Why? Because I couldn't fit in the popular girls group. I am a genuine weirdo, and so are my two friends.

I remember that time when my notebook fell off the balcony. We were on the third floor of the grade school department, and every floor had an awning. My notebook landed on the second floor awning.

"Oh no," I said. We all burst into laughter. Then I suggested we get the mop from the bathroom, because I could push my notebook off the roof and onto the lawn, so we can get it more easily.

Thea got the mop. We tried to prod my notebook, but we ended up dropping it. It landed next to my notebook. We were laughing again.

"Why are we so stupid?" I wheezed at Thea and Amanda in the middle of our fit.

"Wait, get the broom," Thea said. Before I could talk, Amanda went inside the classroom and got the broom.

The broom suffered the same fate as the ones that went before it.

We rolled on the floor. So in the end, we just asked one of the janitors to get it. The end.

Moral of the Story: Don't be clumsy like me, and the clumsier you are, the more you need friends. 

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