11. Bittersweet Goodbyes

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Waking up to the Santa Carla sun kissing my skin I realised that Alice and Reah were leaving today. Slowly getting out of bed my ribs felt a lot better than last night, it's a shame I had a slight bruise covering my left cheek and my lip was still healing. Chucking my hair up in a messy bun I made my way down the stairs to see the girls and Sam eating breakfast.

"Hello sleepyhead, how's your face?" Reah chimed from the sink. "Not too bad, at least my ribs are okay" I laughed making my way to the table to have some cereal. "Well Alice and I have packed up the car and we have to head off soon, are you going to be okay? We don't want you getting hurt by those damn surfer nazis" Reah said throwing her arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I just need to stay sober" I laughed causing the girls to chuckle as well. "And that Sam is why you don't do drugs" Alice said as we all watched Michael walk in the door with his glasses on going straight to his room, slamming his door. "Someone must have had a good night, or not" I said as we all laughed. The phone made me jump while the others laughed at my reaction, it was mom. She must have had an early shift at the video store. "Can you look after Sam tonight please?" She asked. Rolling my eyes and sighing, "do I have to?" I whined. "Ash please, I have a date tonight, Max has asked me out to dinner. I'd appreciated it if you did something nice for me" realising how much mom deserved some happiness I obliged, after everything she went through with dad it was the least we could do for her. "Of course mom" "Thank you darling, and make sure Michael doesn't stay out all night again, I'm worried about him" me too mom, me too. With that she hung up. "Well Sammy, looks like you're hanging with me tonight bud" I said ruffling Sam's hair.

Cleaning up the kitchen it was time to say goodbye to Alice and Reah. We kept it short and sweet as to make me not get all emotional like I do. Waving goodbye to the girls I turned around and went back inside checking on Michael. He was passed out still lying in his clothes, god boys can be so gross. Shutting his door I went and had a shower, the piping hot water nearly burning my skin, just how I liked it. After getting out of the shower I kept my hair in it's messy bun and chucked on a simple outfit and packed my swimsuit for a day at the beach.

 After getting out of the shower I kept my hair in it's messy bun and chucked on a simple outfit and packed my swimsuit for a day at the beach

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Making my way down to the beach the sun was beaming down and it felt so nice taking in the suns rays. I knew I was safer in the daylight from any danger, especially from the surfer nazis. While they were still around during the day they seemed to be less crazed in the day light. I changed into my swimsuit making my way to the cool, salty water. It was so refreshing and the ocean spray glistened on my face. After what seemed like at least an hour I made my way back to my towel and clothes, drying off in the sun I watched the world go by. Considering this was the murder capital of the world, Santa Carla really didn't seem too bad. Of course you had the surfer nazis, who could be absolute tools, but what place doesn't have people like that. After having enough of the sun I made a quick stop at the video store and seeing mom.

"Oh hey sweetie" She called out. "Hey mom, how's work been? Are you excited about your daaaate tonight?" I teased with a genuine smile on my face. Mom laughed, "It has been quite busy but that only makes the day go faster! And yes, I'm looking forward to it Ash. It's been so long since I've felt like this" she beamed. She hadn't noticed my bruise on my face so I kept my hair covering it so she wouldn't see it. Looking at mom I had never seen her this happy before and it warmed my heart. Mom is such a caring and kind person, she deserved happiness in her life. "I'm really happy for you mom, I hope you have a good night. Don't stay out too late" I sarcastically yell but she flashes me a slightly embarrassed smile.

Making my way back home I check in on my brothers, Sams reading one of his comics with Nanook cuddled up to him, the sight melts my heart. Heading to Mikes room he's still passed out on his bed, what the hell did those boys give to him, must have been pretty strong because Mike can usually handle his alcohol really well. "Hey Mikey, are you okay?" I lightly shake the boy, hoping I don't scare him. He groans incoherently. Rolling my eyes I head to my room turning my boombox on, playing Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks getting lost in the lyrics and her voice, closing my eyes I drift off relishing in the sound.

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