19. It Doesn't Have to be a Date

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I could feel the heat radiating off of Ash, she made me feel alive. I had missed this feeling a lot and since being around her it has made me realise how much I craved it. When she asked to go somewhere, just us, there was no way I was going to say no. I wasn't sure where I wanted to take her and I don't think she had any ideas either so I took her to Hudsons Bluff, the wind had died down from a few nights ago and the weather was a lot calmer and the stars were out.

Pulling up to the edge we both hopped off of my bike and Ash laced her fingers with mine. Smiling at her I led her to the edge where we both sat down. I decided to wrap my arm around her pulling her close just taking in the view, though it didn't compare to her.

"Marko" she started, "I feel like I've known you forever but we haven't really talked" she laughed a little. "Well I'm an open book baby, you can ask me anything" I smiled staring down at her. "Have you always lived in Santa Carla?" She asked. "No, I used to live in Italy actually" her eyes lit up brighter than the brightest start in the sky. "Wow! Italy? I've always wanted to see Italy, me and the girls really want to go to Europe" she beamed. Laughing slightly at her reaction, "Yeah, I lived with my family in Venice but I left to...do my own thing" I paused, I could feel her eyes glued to me, "That's when I met the lost boys, I was the last one to join and I've been living here ever since. Santa Carla has its good parts in-between the shit" we both laughed. "How did you meet the lost boys?" I wasn't sure how to answer, she couldn't know, not yet anyway. "Well...lets just say I was in a really bad space and I was as good as dead when the boys helped me" she seemed content with that answer for now.

"How about you? How did you meet Alice and Reah?" I wanted to know more about her, she felt different to the other girls in Santa Carla. "We met during our first year of high school, I was a bit odd I guess. Alice and Reah are sisters, twins actually even though they are nothing alike" talking about her friends made her happy and I loved seeing her like this. "What do you mean by odd?" I questioned as she giggled slightly amused by my question. "Well I don't normally tell guys this on the first date" she smirked as my eyebrows raised as she spoke. "Calm down it doesn't have to be a date, but anyway, much to my parents disgust I was always interested in black magic and witchcraft. So were the girls and well we decided to dabble but I guess we've gone way too far now" she stared at me waiting to see if I would judge her, if only she knew what I was. Her eyes held such raw emotion and I noticed her eyes flicker down to my lips that now held a smirk. Biting my lower lip she couldn't stop looking, leaning in closer to her, my lips lightly grazed hers. They were soft and I could feel her warmth melting into my soul. I wanted... no.... I needed more. I needed her. Pulling back to see her eyes flutter open she stared deep into my eyes, without warning she crashed her lips back into mine snaking her arms around my neck. Tracing my hands around her waist I let my right hand come up to her face, cupping her cheek in my hand. My grip tightening ever so slightly finally parting for breath her eyes were dark and I could tell this was only the beginning of our date.

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