❤︎ Feelings?

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"Gahh!~ Why wont you notice me Y/N?" Kuroo whined. It was currently 10:40pm, and you had finally put Hinata and Kenma to sleep. You were currently sat on your bed, holding a pillow for comfort as you scroll on Instagram(Or whatever app you want to.) As you ignored Kuroo. Keep in mind, you had your older brother's room - who had moved out a few years ago, - cleaned up for Kuroo to stay in but he wouldn't stop pestering you. And, it was only the first night.

"What do you want?" You muttered, turning around to see a half-defeated Kuroo, sprawled across your bedroom floor.

"You're adorable when you're angry at me~" Kuroo purred into the beanbag his head was planted in. It was muffled, but you could identify what he said. You stood up from your bed and crouched down beside him.

"What are you trying to archive from this..?" You whispered into his ear as you poked his messy hair.

No reaction.

Kuroo's POV

"What are you trying to archive from this..?" Y/N whispered into my ear as they poked my hair. Baddum.


'Don't react, don't let them know you're embarrassed Kuroo!' I mentally hit myself multiple times to keep my cool. Y/N doesn't move, for all I know they could be p^ssed at what I just said. I mean, I want Y/N to know how cute they are!

That's all, right..?

Ugh! Feelings are annoying. 'I cant fall in love with the only girl who doesn't swoon over me! That's just unfair!'

Your POV:

'Did he really fall asleep that quickly?' You thought to yourself as you stood up and walked away from the now "asleep" boy. You groaned to yourself as you got an extra blanket and placed it over the boy.

"Only this time you can sleep in my room." You whispered to the boy as you kissed his head like you did with Hinata and Kenma. He wouldn't notice, he's asleep.

That was your last thought as you crawled into your bed, your head hitting the pillow from exhaustion. Causing you to instantly fall asleep.

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You woke up to small hands squishing and poking your cheeks. Groaning slightly, you opened your eyes to see Hinata sat on you as he poked your face, presumably to wake you up.

"Nii-san is awake!" Hinata beamed as he lifted his hands in the air, lifting his hoodie he was wearing so his stomach was showing. As revenge, you swiftly sat up and stated blowing raspberries on Hinata's stomach. Causing him to bust out in a large fit of laughter.

𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 ➤  T. KurooWhere stories live. Discover now