❤︎ So that's how it is then?

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Kuroo walked up to you, stopping in front of you. A glare in his eyes, as he stayed a distance from you.

"Kuroo.. I was watching you.. I-" You whispered, stuttering before he rudely cut you off.

"I waited for you. You missed a match already." He spat, his glare becoming deadly as he walked and picked up Hinata and Kenma from you, Kenma trying to wiggle his way out of Kuroo's firm hold but failing.

"Why are you being so dramatic over a stupid match!?" Y/N cried out, brushing their hair out of their face as they chocked back multiple sobs, threatening to leave their mouth.

Kuroo had never seen Y/N with such a face, tears around their soft cheeks, eyes red and puffy, their mouth quivering. It was a sight, but he surely wouldn't forgive her for missing his last match.

Yeah, his last.


"Kuroooo!" Y/N gasped, as they received the block he spiked down for the 3rd time, this time the ball flying backwards and flying into the parks bush.

"Awh, dang it!" He exhaled, bummed out that the ball got lost again. He sat himself on the court, brushing off a little bit of dirt from his nose - but he actually just smudged it. - sighing once again as he looked up at the approaching Y/N who squatted in front of him.

"Kurooo..~ Can we stop?" Y/N pleaded, a soft look in their eyes, as they showed him their arms, which were covered in bruises from receiving his "hard" spikes and blocked balls.

"Yeah, yeah. We'll get the ball later.." He huffed, crossing his arms and pouting as Y/N let out one of their giggles, plopping themselves next to him, but laying down.

"I promise.." Y/N started, before looking towards the boy who joined them on the ground, his hands laying on his stomach comfortably as he looked back at Y/N.
"That I'll go to every single one of your matches.. Right until the end! Even after college if you want!" Y/N smiled, one of their real ones too as Kuroo couldn't help but blush.

"And if you miss one..?" He said, sadly knowing what Y/N would already say.

"You have the right to leave me." They smiled. He frowned.

"But I wouldn't ever do that!" Kuroo shouted as he stood up, throwing his hands in the air in frustration.

"But you might get a girlfriend when you're older! She'll become more important, and then-" Y/N cried out, sitting up behind him, before being interrupted.

"I'm not getting a girlfriend. Yuck!!" Kuroo spat, as he looked away to the river in front of the two. His anger quickly dissolving into dust.

Y/N sighed, knowing the outcomes of this. They knew this would happen one day.

"Kuroo~ You have to get one, at least oneeee dayyy!" They pleaded, hugging his shirt as he sighed. "You gotta be able to start a family with someone! And earn money and be happy!" They continued, as they pulled away, putting their hands on his shoulders as they explained.

"But what if I want to be happy without one?" He muttered, looking away with a slight blush. "What if I.. already know who I want to spend my life with?"

"You wont silly, we're just 10! There's so many cooler people out there!" Y/N giggled, as they stood up, stretching their arms as they yawned.
"I can't be here to help you forever Kuroo~" Y/N continued, looking back at Kuroo. Their hair waved in the wind as their eyes held a sad presence, yet their mouth was smiling like nothing was wrong, and nothing would ever be. The sunset before them, outlined some features, and moments like these would become what Kuroo loved most. But then they ran to the bush, ignoring his pleads of not wanting anything, leaving him dazed while watching them find the ball.

If only...

End of flashback

"I'm true to my word." Kuroo spat back, after he thought about the past. The promises, the fact Y/N had never missed any, even if it meant failing one of their tests.

"You've just... Wasted your time on me."

"Wait-!" Y/N sobbed, pleading as the stretched their arms out weakly.

"Please come back.."

"We were just kids!"

But he was already gone.

𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 ➤  T. KurooWhere stories live. Discover now