❤︎ Independence

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Tsk.. Stupid..

You muttered to yourself, as you slumped upwards, pressing your back against the wall for support as you rested your head in your arm, a small throbbing pain could be noticed.
All you needed right now was some quiet, so you slowly walked to the outside gates, where you could see a small park area with some quiet children playing about.
And to your luck, you were stopped. Well, not really, a loud voice just caught your attention.

"Hey hey heyyy!" The voice had boomed, as you turned to see who said it, you saw a boy with silky white hair which was spiked back, and as you analyzed the boys face you realized he looked a lot like an owl..

"You're the girl that Kuroo was helping him babysit!" his voice echoed around the hallway, gaining a few looks from strangers at the two of you. He smiled and held his hand out towards you; as you looked away, playing with the rim of your shirt.

"Yeah, was." You smiled, taking your hand into his and shaking it. He then quickly whipped something out of his pocket and grinned,

"Kuroo said to give you this!!" He pushed a small envelope into your hands, as he ran away back to where the gym was.

You sighed, looking at the envelope. There was no writing on it at all, so maybe it was a last minute apology? No... What you two had a fight about was petty. You were also so extra as a kid... But for him to actually do it? That was even more stupid.

Heck- he was so stupid to not give it to you personally in the first place! I mean, you weren't going to beat him up - look at the state you were in!

You sighed, as you just slipped it into your bag walking outside. You gently pushed the door open, to be welcomed with a gush of wind- blowing your hair about to the side. You slowly jogged towards your car as it was too cold  for your liking.

You quickly jumped into the drivers seat and turned the heating up; rubbing your hands together in a way to quicken the process as you were defiantly not driving with stiff cold hands.

»»————-  ————-««

You shoved your hands into your pockets as you walked into your home, a relaxing sensation came to you, yet... It was eerily quiet.

You couldn't help but feel so lonely, as well... You didn't have the company you now wished to have. You sighed, walking to the kitchen as you scrolled through your phone.

Nothing new...


"K.Tetsurou has posted!"

You sighed, clicking on the notification as it sent you to a picture of Kuroo waving goodbye to Kenma and Hinata - as they walk back with their parents.

Who took that picture? It could've been that Owl-looking dude..

You just liked the picture and turned your phone off, as you leaned back against the counter. Taking a few deep breathes as you calmed yourself. Before you grabbed an empty plate from beside you and throw it onto the ground.

Geez, angry much?

You walked past it, avoiding any plate shatters as you walked around and outside the Kitchen. You carefully walked up the stairs, dragging your hand against the wall before stopping at the room Kuroo stayed in.

You slowly pushed the door open, hoping that Kuroo was just there, yet.. He wasn't.
You sighed, knowing that you should've expected it. But...

The room was too clean.
Everything was neat, the bed was made - nothing was in the draws again, - the curtains were open and neat. No more weird posters. 

Everything was... Just like it used to be.

No messages,
No calls,
No children playing right now,
You were dying from boredness,

It was actually quite nice, as you could now live in peace. The only downside is... You wont be able to have the chance you wanted at a relationship, heck with the guy you've liked from ever since you could remember!

You had put everything aside for him, and he left all because of a stupid promise that was made when you two were kids...

"Well then.." You muttered to yourself, as you stand in front of the open window - a small breeze coming through which made your hair wave through it.

"Maybe I don't need a man in my life."

»»————-  ————-««


I'm okay.

I hated the last chapter omg.
I'm likely going to make the next 2 endings so...
Stay tuned for that!! I'll post them at the same time - so expect me to post later then usual!
Ps. I'm super sorry it's so short!! I'll try my best on my next books!

𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 ➤  T. KurooWhere stories live. Discover now