Before Endings

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You guys had finally graduated from college - surprisingly, you and Kuroo had both decided to major in the same sections, and so, well you passed him on the daily and had many of the same lessons together.

That didn't stop you from being the independent girl you are, I mean, you got even more successful without him. You had neatened up your appearance, taking care of your hair on the daily, as you wore a little bit of lipstick - just to moisturize your lips.
And to be quite frank; you lost a little weight in some areas and gained it in others. In all reality: You'd had like, 2 glow-ups.

You would nicely decline the odd confession you had got given during the rest of the years when the two of you had separated and it had become known to the rest of the school.

You were lowkey the definition of "independent", as you had also started to care about your grades and obviously your body shape now, but at home..
You were still lazy as fuck.

Heck, you'd do homework last minute and would usually just eat some quick n' easy ramen since you were too lazy to actually cook - even though, you surprisingly knew how to. -

And well... Lets just say, your class of graduation had decided on a large game of paintball, and a very competitive one too. Of course, you never forgot or left your competitiveness.

You sat there, leg bouncing from anxiousness. The teams had been split evenly, and coincidentally to that - Kuroo was on the other team. And you had the largest suspicion that he would target you. I mean, who wouldn't?

"Yknow... Bouncing your leg like that's gonna give you bad luck." Kuroo said, as you twisted your head to the side to look at him, leaning close to your ear with a smirk across his face.

"Luck wont be needed in this match." You spat back, before you got up and walked away to your team who were already discussing everything.

You just had to get to him first.

𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 ➤  T. KurooWhere stories live. Discover now