❤︎ The letter, and proposal.

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»»————-  ————-««

"Kuroo asked me to give you this!"

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"Kuroo asked me to give you this!"

Was the only thing that was said before a silence overlapped everyone. Even the caretaker was in shock; it was that, which made her realise it was a confession letter from the hearts that were drawn all over the envelope.

"Oh my.. Hinata! When-" She started, before being interrupted by Y/N.

"My my.. How sweet of you Kuroo!~" Y/N cooed, smiling and taking the envelope and putting it in her pocket as she stood up and smiled at Kuroo; who's face was plastered with a red blush. He looked away, putting a hand behind to the nape of his neck, rubbing it.
"Yeah.. Yeah! Lets just go." He muttered, but loud enough for everyone to hear. Y/N nodded her head and grabbed Hinata's hand, who was proud thinking his plan had worked.

"Hey, nii-san!" Hinata asked, as he skipped to keep up with their walking pace.
Y/N hummed in response.
"Will you open the letter?" He asked, looking up at her, who seemed to be focused on a certain bed-head walking ahead.
"Yeah... I will Hinata, just not now." Y/N responded, as she looked down at the boy and smiled; who returned it with a big grin.

»»————-  ————-««

Y/N was laying on the sofa, with Kenma sleeping on their stomach, a DS in his hands as it was hanging off Y/N's body in fatigue. Hinata had asked Kuroo to practice volleyball with him, but Y/N knew that wasn't the case.
They sighed as they stretched their arm to the table where the envelope was placed. It defiantly didn't look like Kuroo's handwriting... That's for sure. Y/N Smiled to themselves as they opened it up and read the letter.

To Nii-san!

I love you to the moon and back!
When I see you I smile
And my heart gets butterflies
I love you so much!!!
- Kuroo! <3

Y/N smiled at the attempt of the love letter, Hinata had obviously gotten help from some of his friends.. The writing style changed each line and there were.. many "girly" things as such, of heats and flowers scattered around the page. Y/N thought it was adorable, but... They didn't know how they really felt about the bed-head.

Y/N sighed to themselves as they sat up, holding Kenma closely and tucked him in on the sofa; putting [some anime/tv show] on and placing his DS on the table next to him so he could play it when he wakes up. He was likely to not be going anywhere.

Y/n's pov:

I walked to the back door, which was slightly ajar and peeked my head to see Chem boy and Hinata actually getting along.
Until Hinata messes up his receive.
I giggled to myself and slipped back to the hallways, curious as to what Kuroo's clothes were like. Did he wear anything other then basic t-shirts and jeans?

I wonder what he sleeps in...

No! Don't get bad thoughts like that! I slapped my cheeks to get the thoughts away, stopping in front of the room Kuroo was currently staying in. As I opened it; it was surprisingly all neat. Apart from the odd piece of clothing or book here and there the room was tidy.

At least he keeps it somewhat clean...

I smiled to myself, as maybe he isn't as bad as I thought he was. I left the door slightly open in case the boys come back, so I can quickly - but quietly - run out the room if they come inside of their game.

I walked over to the draws, where one was open full of his...

Oh my.-

I quickly shut the draw. I could feel my face heating up, but why!? Ah, never mind..

"I didn't come in here to get embarrassed! I came in here for his shirts..." I muttered to myself bent over and opened the other draw with his shirts inside.
Smiling to myself, I picked out a plain white shirt, and next to it was some coloured ones and flannels..

I sighed in defeat and sat on the floor. Unless...

3rd pov:

Y/N was in their own world, wearing Kuroo's shirt - and lets just say it could be styled as a dress if they were feeling the feminine side come out. Posing in different ways, and taking photo's using the large mirror in the room, Y/N was probably having the time of their life.

And trust me, Y/N loved the scent of Kuroo's shirt.

That was, until a cough was heard from behind them, knocking them out of their so called "paradise" Ah, and you guessed it~ The one and only Kuroo was standing there, his volleyball dropping with a

"I- idiot! Don't look!" Y/N stuttered as they put their hands over the rim of the shirt to make it a little longer - and to stop as much of their thighs from showing. Kuroo was just in awe, his cheeks were in fact heated up, and his ears gave it all away - as they were just as red. The bed-head shuffled out of the room, his hands around his mouth.

Y/N Followed suit, not long after still wearing Kuroo's clothes. Because why not? Hinata was questioning the bed-head as he had his head leaned back against the sofa, as if he passed out.

"Hinata, stop bombarding Kuroo with questions," Y/N said, as she picked the boy up and put him down on the floor, as he was going to fall on top of the still-asleep Kenma. Hinata looked at Y/N and examined their outfit, until it came to mind.

"Heyy! Nii-san! That was the shirt Kuroo put on at the park!" Hinata said, jumping up and down after pointing to the small logo in the corner of Y/N's chest.

"Yeah, it's Kuroo's~" Y/N said, a blush coming up to her cheeks as she coo'd to the boy; agreeing to Hinata's awareness for once.

"Nii-san." Kenma spoke up this time, rubbing his eyes as Kuroo placed him on his lap, still not looking up from where it looked as though he literally had steam coming off of his face.

"Yes Kenma?" Y/N responded, picking up Hinata who had grabby arms and started tracing the shirts logo with his fingers.

"Are you in love with anyone?" Kenma simply asked, looking up from his DS for a split second, noting down Y/N's confused face turn to a bashful one.
Y/N just smiled, and looked outside the window, to where a beautiful sunset was being shown. Golden steaks of light on their body, highlighting some of their facial features. They were oblivious to this, but a certain someone was looking at them in some sort of desperation, but also head over heels in love.

"Yeah... I think I do."

𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 ➤  T. KurooWhere stories live. Discover now