Chapter 1

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        Hey everyone! This is my first ever fanfiction and it is done based on the Ranger's Apprentice book series. You can expect weekly updates hopefully, but I can't make any promises! I hope you guys enjoy so without further ado, the story!!

Disclaimer: O.K. I lied, I have to do the disclaimer. Although, I doubt anyone would actually believe it, I don't own Ranger's Apprentice or any of its characters or plot lines. That credit goes to the amazingly talented John Flanagan. But, a girl can dream. Now, on with the story!!!!

Bold means book text

Italics means thought

Regualar means regular writing

        I sighed. Today was one of the most boring days of my life. It was raining and the championship soccer game had been canceled because of a lightning strike. Right now I was at my friend’s house reading, but it wasn’t a book of my choice. Normally, I would love nothing more in the world than to snuggle up on the couch during a rainstorm, listening to the patter of rain hitting the windows, while reading a good book.  But, my mom had forced me to read War and Peace and it sucked, to put it nicely. Literally, that book is over a 1,000 pages long in fine print!

            “Come on Abbey, why can’t I play outside?” My sister whined. In case you’re wondering, I’m Abbey. I have shoulder length dirty blonde hair that frames my face resembling the color of honey, and green eyes with a slight golden haze around the edges that always seem to be sparkling with a hint of mischief and unfound adventures. My sister Gwyn on the other hand has long brown hair, the color of chocolate. She also has warm brown eyes to match, that when given the puppy dog look by them, you just can’t say no.

            “Gwyn, it’s raining outside!” I said, sounding as if I had been asked to play outside one too many times. Huffing, she finally walked away. I sighed. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately I thought. Behind me I heard my friend snigger, trying to hold in her laughter.

            “Shut up Sophie.” I shot over my back without looking, before I turned to face her. Sophie is my best friend, and we had known each other for as long as I could remember. She was slightly taller than me by a couple inches or so and had long wavy blond hair. Her eyes were a deep brown just like my sister’s which I thought was kind of funny. She and my sister shared more things in common than I did with Gwyn.

            As she stopped laughing she finally got to what made her come over to me, “Hey Abbey by the way, I got this book from the library I thought you might like.” Sophie said, “Actually, I’m sure you’ll like it.” She said confidently.

            “I can’t I have to read this remember,” I said dully, holding the offending book up for her to see.

            “Yeah but your mom isn’t here right now,” Sophie countered, and I realized she did have a point.

            “OK, whatever. What’s this book about anyways?” I inquired, finally realizing that no matter how long I read the stupid book like my mom wanted me to, I wasn’t going to finish it.

            “It’s about medieval times, 100 or so years after the fall of the Roman Empire,” I immediately perked up at that. I loved reading about fantasy history. Even so I was suspicious because I knew a series exactly in the time period that Sophie had just described.

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