Pt. 4

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  "Who would do it, though?" Spensa asked as her and Kimmalyn rushed to Jorgen's house.
  "I don't know... it would have to be someone who had good reason to no have Jorgen marry you."
  It clicked.
  "His parents." Spensa breathed as they rounded a corner. "They didn't approve of our relationship in the first place since I'm- you know. But once we got engaged... they must have realized how real this all was."
  Kimmalyn paused mid-nod to frown. "What would they have to threaten him with, though?"
  Spensa shrugged. "I don't know... maybe they threatened to hurt him or-" Jorgen's house came into view and Spensa's words stopped.
  Suddenly doubt riddled her- what if that wasn't the case? What if he just didn't love her anymore?
  Kimmalyn seemed to read her mind because she reached out and took Spensa's hand in her own. "You don't have to go in there," she said gently. "I could go by myself, or we don't have to go at all."
  "We don't have to," Spensa repeated. "But I want to."
  Kimmalyn squeezed her hand. "You're so brave, Spensa. And no matter what happens in there, I just want you to know that you'll always have me."
  Spensa smiled, moved. "Thank you, Kimmalyn. Really- it means a lot."
  They surveyed the house, the house that her and Jorgen had been planning to move into. The thought sent a pang through her heart. But she was already heartbroken.
  What was a little more?
  "Together?" Kimmalyn asked, still staring at the house.
  "Together." Spensa confirmed and they started towards it.

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