Pt. 5

672 9 22

A/N: It is........ completed.

Jorgen answered the door on the first knock. He'd been thinking about it all morning, about what he'd done, and he couldn't bare it.
  So when he opened the door and there was Spensa in all her Spensa glory, he cupped her cheeks and kissed her.
  Before she could so much as react, he grabbed her hand and dragged her inside, Kimmalyn following hesitantly. "Close the door," he hissed at Kimmalyn, who gave him a funny look but obeyed.
  Silence filled the entryway. "It was my parents," he said, and the girls exchanged a look. They didn't look very surprised- he guessed they'd already figured it out. "They made me and they said if I didn't..."
  "If you didn't, what?" Spensa prodded gently.
  "If I didn't... they would hurt you. And your family. And I couldn't let that happen, I just couldn't-"
  "I know." She interrupted, biting her lip.
  "I'm... just gonna go." Kimmalyn whispered from the corner before slipping out the door again.
  As soon as she was gone they were hugging. "You made the right choice." She whispered to him. "But I don't need protecting. I don't care about your parents threats, we're getting married next month and that's that."
  A tear slid down his face. "I'm sorry Spensa, I'm so so sorry. I need you to know that."
  "I-I know." She choked, and he brought her close and hugged her tight.
  They stayed like that for a long long time, Spensa and Jorgen, united once more.

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