This is rat shit I'm sorry

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A/N: I've written Jorgen and Spensa in so many scenarios I've lost count of them by now. I just wanted you all to know how much I love you, basically. Your comments and your love is the reason I keep writing this... and it's been so fun so far. Lmao I'm just vibing to tiktok songs right now... *AHEM* back to Jorgen and Spensa...

They have SO fun to write- I was a Jensa shipper from book one and honestly the kiss in book 2 undid me lol. In a good way tho... ok at this point I'm just spouting nonsense on with the fanfic...

Okay, so maybe this was getting a bit ridiculous. But it wasn't like Spensa could help the fact that Jorgen was the first thing she thought of when she woke up and the last thing she thought about when she woke up most days. Even M-bot could tell she was preoccupied. Whenever she came over to see how Rodge was doing he'd ask her what she was thinking about.

Her stomach got these weird little fluttery things whenever someone so much as said his name. Was this what love felt like?

The peak of this was late one day when she'd decided to linger a bit. She was sitting just outside the entrance, just far enough away that the people who escorted her out couldn't see.

Footsteps neared and she jumped up hastily- but low and behold her flight-leader was all that appeared. "Aren't you supposed to be at your cave by now?" he asked, raising his eyebrows and crossing his arms.

She rolled her eyes and sat back down. "Why do you care?" she grumbled and after a moment of silence he joined her.

She rested her head on her knees and sighed. "Do you like to fly?" he asked, gentler this time.

"What kind of a scudding question is that? Yes, of course I like to fly."

"Why do you fly?" he asked.

She paused for a moment, thinking. "I guess maybe I want to prove myself," she said slowly. "Like, maybe if I do... better than my dad people will see that my family is more than that." she laughed awkwardly. "Does that make sense..?"

When she glanced over at Jorgen he remained solemn. "Yeah. Yeah it does."

Their hands brushed and electricity coursed through her body. Now was NOT the time, so she shook her head to clear it. He stood up to go and she reached out to grab his wrist. "Can you promise me something?" she whispered, and he turned around again to face her.

"Anything." he replied instantly- which honestly surprised her.

"If you get into a bad situation... eject."

He blinked, wavering for half a second before conceding. "Of course."

A/N: I return, only to give you this bullshit. So, sorry!!!!!! Peace out, rats!

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