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Optional: Listen to the song while reading

Tip: Read the translations so you know what the song is about, then listen to it while reading so the atmosphere is set!

Harmony could feel her hands sweating as she walked into the Cafe despite the cold air of the Cafe hitting her. She walked to where Taeyong was sitting and sat directly across from him.

Taeyong: HARMONY!

Harmony: Hi...

Taeyong: Ok, so I'm so sorry for the past, ok?

Harmony: *Stays quiet*

Taeyong: I need to use the restroom, will be right back to explain to you the truth.

Harmony: *Nods*

*Taeyong disappears from sigh*

Harmony: Yah, Tallest!

Lucas: What??

Harmony: I think he still loves me...

Lucas: Well, ask him well yah? I'm not a God that knows what he has in his mind, he is Taeyong too, it's kinda hard to know what's on his mind sometimes.

Harmony: Gotta go, he is here.

Taeyong: SO, I'm going to tell you my side of the break-up-

Harmony: DO you still love me?

Taeyong: Yes

Harmony: *silent* *Tries to avoid Taeyong's eyes*

Taeyong: Yah, it's not nice to talk to someone with out looking at their eyes! *Giggles*

Harmony: Whats so funny?

Taeyong: I thought you were just cute trying to get back with me-

Harmony: I don't want to get back to you...

Taeyong: I-i... I didn't expect that...

Taeyong's heart was broken into pieces after hearing those words...

Harmony: After those painful days, I had finally recovered and had the strength to talk to you on the phone without shaking and fearing that you would hurt me, but it has come back after you said you still loved me. Why must you still love me? If you love me, you would hurt me, ect. Then, my life would be painful again, like the past...

Harmony now dared to look at Taeyong in the eyes, only to be met with sad, regret, eyes. She was surprised indeed, because she was expecting those cold, evil, eyes that she witnessed years ago...

Taeyong: Let me explain myse-

Harmony: I came here today to tell you to please, let me go. Please let me live a happy life, a life where I wouldn't see you, hear from you, get hurt by you, and a life that is peaceful in general...

Taeyong: *Tears are on the verge of falling*

Harmony: Your explanation will not turn back time and take away my painful days back then... bye...

Harmony's tears were falling nonstop, but she stood up and proceeded to walk out of the Cafe...She knew she loved him still, but she knows that in this life, they shouldn't be together, he had hurt her too much... She heard his small cries behind her, but she continued to walk her way to the door, pain lingering in her heart, but she knew that they weren't meant to be, and so she walked out of that Cafe, in that white dress, the white dress that witnessed everything from her first dates to her family's death to now, the heart-breaking goodbye.

"I hope in the next life, my white dress wouldn't soak with blood..."

"I hope in the next life, my heart would be healed enough to love you back..."

"I hope in the next life, we will love each-other to death..."

"I love you, til we meet again in another life..."

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