Packing Day 2

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Madeline: You know I also saw Taeyong at the funeral...I was just crying in his arms...

Jisung: You let someone that hurt you so much hug you like nothing happened?!

Lucas: Oh my gosh Madeline I cannot believe it. And you let him hug you?!

Madeline: I was in pain, I was dying, ok?

Lucas: Yeah, you got a point there...

Madeline: You really didn't see him hug me????

Jisung: We were at the other side of the room so....

Lucas: Let's just forget about that and continue packing.

Jisung and Madeline: Ok!


-Author's perspective-

Taeyong was still not home and Harmony was getting worried. She knew deep down that he probably fell out of love but  she just couldn't make her heart accept it even though her mind was smart enough to figure it out. Her brain was telling her for the 35th time that Taeyong was probably out in a club with her friends or with other people but she didn't want to accept it. Her heart just couldn't accept what her brain knew. 

Her heart and her brain was basically fighting at this point and all she could do was cry. She cried, and cried, and cried some more for the rest of the night. She could now see streaks of light coming from the window and realized that she had fallen asleep on the ground next to the wall, failing her mission to try to talk to Taeyong when he got home yesterday. She just called her manager (she works at a Cafe shop) and told her she didn't feel well. In-fact, Harmony felt horrible inside. She just wanted to rest today and maybe try to text Taeyong but just as she walked out of her bedroom, a figure walked out of the apartment. She guessed it was Taeyong, and so she started making breakfast. 

As she made breakfast, she remembered a memory, a memory that broke her heart...

-Harmony's Flashback-

Taeyong: I love you! It was love at first sight Madeline!

Madeline: Love you too! Oppa...

Taeyong: Yes dear?

Madeline: Promise me something...

Taeyong: Promise what?

Madeline: Promise me you will love me forever! Promise me that you will never ever fall out of love with me!

Taeyong: Of course dear! I promise I will love you forever and I will never fall out of love with you!

Madelione: *Smiles and blushes*

-End of flashback-

-Harmony's perspective-

How could I forget...the day you lied to me... That was the only thing that was stuck on my mind for the rest of the day. No matter how much I wanted to forget it, it was stuck like glue in my memories of Taeyong and me. I'm so hurt, the words meant nothing to him, the promise he made. Tears started streaming from my eyes after a whole day of thinking about it but she laughed it off after realizing that she was crying because of a person that probably used her, she was all by herself, and she was eating dinner. It was already stormy outside and she predicted that the storm would be worse in a few hours, and so she decided to text Taeyong later, at the time when he would get off work, to make sure he is safe on the road.

-Authors perspective-

But Harmony will not know that that particular stormy night would be one of the most painfullest nights she will ever in-counter in her life. Those words he would speak later on to her would be carved into her heart, and as well as her memories.

-End of past flashback-

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