2: New Side

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It's been 3 days now and Bokuto often visits Y/N in her classroom. .

Well, because Y/N still hasn't forgiven him for what he did. All he got was silence and nothing else. Little did he know that he was slowly getting drawn to Y/N.

Y/N on the other hand, was annoyed. She would've shouted at Bokuto if she could, but of course, she couldn't do it. I mean who would even?

Y/N was already immune to Bokuto. It's like she got used to it pretty quickly.

It was around lunchtime once again,
Y/N was looking at the window trying to ignore the poor boy sitting beside her.

"Y/N.. Are you still mad at me..?"

Still.. no answer.

"Y/N.... Y/N...." He whined.

"Heeeyyy.. Y/N... Oi-"

"Will you stop?! Ugh! Just let me be at peace..!" The girl finally snapped.

But she was soon filled with guilt after seeing the look on Bokuto's face.

No.. it was his fault in the first place!! His fault!! She said to herself.

"Fine.." Bokuto said and left.

"Ugh what the hell? It's his fault anyway.." the girl mumbled to herself.


And Bokuto didn't visit her. It went on for a few days.

It was peaceful.. finally.. but Y/N felt uncomfortable. She had no one to talk to and no one to approach. She was filled with guilt throughout the past few days and she hated it.


-A week after Y/N yelled at Bokuto-

It was a normal Saturday and Y/N decided to go out to buy some snacks in the convenience store nearby.


I was wearing an oversized hoodie and sweatpants with slippers. Since my parents weren't home, I decided to go out and buy some snacks so I could do a movie night.

Chips.. ice cream.. ugh.. I think I'm drooling.

Before she knew it, she was already standing outside the convenience store. She picked the snacks she wanted and paid.

As she left the store she decided to munch on some chocolate on her way back.


This voice... don't tell me..

I turned around to see..


Once again, I felt a painful clench in my heart. It's been months since I last felt it.. and it's back.. again.

Tears started to form but I quickly looked away and started walking.

But before I could continue walking away, a large hand reached out for my wrist.

"Y/N.." He said in a soft tone.

I was about to burst into tears. That voice was my weakness. I could feel the pain in my chest and my heart beating faster.

"What.." I said my voice quivered. It was obvious I wanted to cry.

"Y/N.. please.. come back."

"No.. let me go.." I tried to pull my hand away from his grip but his grip only tightened.

"I need you.. Y/N. I never realized how important you were to me.. I was dumb enough to let you go.."

"Bullshit.. let me go." But his grip was too strong.. my hands started to hurt.

"Let me go.. prick! O-Ow!!" I groaned in pain

"Hey.. let her go." And suddenly, Tooru let go of my hand, I turned around to see someone I didn't expect..


"And you are?" Tooru said, clearly pissed.

"I'm her boyfriend."


But before Oikawa could even start to talk, Bokuto grabbed Y/N's hand and lead her far away from Oikawa. He was angry, for some reason.

"W-Wait you're walking too fast!" I said, trying to catch up.

Bokuto stopped and let go of Y/N's hand.

"I'm sorry I interrupted.. it's just that you looked really uncomfortable I just wanted to hel-" Bokuto's words were cut off when he felt the girl's arms wrapped around him.

"Don't look down." She said.

"I- oh- uh- okay.." He awkwardly agreed.

It was a good thing that it was night. Otherwise Y/N would see how red Bokuto's face was.

Suddenly, Bokuto felt his t-shirt getting wet.

He was about to look at Y/N when:

"I-I said don't look at me!" The girl said.

I started crying. This is embarrasing but my tears just won't stop.. they just kept going. I placed my hands on my eyes so that I could cover my face..

Suddenly, I felt Bokuto's arms embracing me, holding me close.


My tears stopped flowing out.. I could feel my heart beating more and more faster. I could feel the heat in my cheeks. And.. I could feel Bokuto's heart.. beating faster..

"Y-You can let it all out.. I won't look. Don't worry.."

Idiot.. How am I supposed to cry after you do this?!


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