6: Unexpected Meeting

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5:11 AM

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Goodmorning Y/N!! ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ
Sorry I can't walk you to school today..
Since I had to go to school earlier..
I don't know why but I was told I had to because it was important

I'm sad I can't see you early in the morning 。:゚(;'∩';)゚:。

Be safe on your way to school!!


Y/N felt like something was off, like something was about to happen..
But she brushed it off and prepared to leave.


On her way to the classroom, she noticed a bunch of students crowding around another classroom.

Since she really didn't care, she just ignored the crowd and continued walking to her classroom until,

"Woahh!! Don't you think Himari and Bokuto-senpai look good together?"

"She's so brave!!"

Y/N suddenly stopped at her tracks.
Her eyes widened and she felt a something painful in her chest.

The crowd started cheering for the two and chanted,

"HUG! HUG! HUG!" Altogether.

Y/N tried to sneak into the very front of the crowd.

As she finally found a perfect spot,
She saw a girl hugging Bokuto. .
Her heart sank. Y/N didn't know what to do. Was she supposed to feel like this?

I'm not jealous.. I saw this coming anyway..

Though everyone around her was loud, in her mind she could only hear nothing and see the two hugging infront of her eyes.

It was obvious from the start Y/N.. No one can stand your shitty attitude anyways..

And with that, Y/N left the crowd and sat down on her seat. She buried her head in the comfort of her arms.

I'm not bothered by it..


Classes has ended. Y/N was still in a bad mood, she didn't know why.

But one thing was for sure, she didn't want to see Bokuto.

As Y/N was about to leave when she saw Bokuto waiting for her outside the classroom.

Speaking off.. she thought.

He smiled at her but the girl simply ignored him and continued to leave the classroom.

"Oyy.. wait for me..!"

Y/N didn't even bother to turn around or reply,

"Y/N! We don't have training today.." He finally caught up with Y/N's pace and smiled at her,

"Let's hang out..! Pleasee.."

Why the hell is he acting like nothing happened this morning?!

It looked like Bokuto still hasn't noticed that Y/N was ignoring him since Y/N was usually like that.

Suddenly, a familiar girl was running to their direction.

Y/N couldn't see who it was at first but when she finally saw who the girl was, her brows furrowed.

It was the girl from this morning..

My Euphoria [Bokuto x Fem. Reader] COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now