9: Calm

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"What do you want me to do then?"
Y/N really felt bad for him because she was the reason he was like this. So she wanted to do something in return.

"Hmm.. Take care of me?"



"Pleeaaseee?" He pouted.

"F-Fine.." Y/N tried her best to avoid his gaze.


After a few minutes Bokuto was fast asleep, his head laying on Y/N's lap.

Y/N heart was beating so fast. She wasn't used to this kind of stuff.
She could feel the heat of Bokuto's body.

She started running her fingers through his soft hair, causing the boy to flinch a bit.

Soon after, he woke up.

"Y/N.. do you know how beautiful you are? Hehe.. my girlfriend is so pretty.."
He snuggled and wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist.

"H-Hey! Your mom might see us-"

"Ehhh? I'm just hugging you thoughh~"

"F-Fine.. I only agreed because I feel bad f-for you.."

She looked at Bokuto and saw him smiling while his eyes were closed.
And once again, he fell asleep.


While waiting for Bokuto to wake up, Y/N was watching random videos on her phone.

40 minutes went by, suddenly Bokuto woke up, he slowly stood up and looked at Y/N.

"What's the matter?" Y/N asked, confused.

"Y/N.." He leaned closer to Y/N, with his hands right beside Y/N's sides, supporting his body.

"E-Eh?! Oi! What's gotten into you!?" She silently shouted.

But he didn't answer.. he continued to lean in..


And closer..

Until their noses were touching.

Y/N's heartbeat went crazy, she could feel butterflies in her stomach. Heat rising up to her cheeks.

She tried her best to push away Bokuto but she couldn't muster up the strength to do it.

"Heh." He giggled and gave Y/N a quick peck on her cheek.

"I-Idiot!" She pushed the poor boy away and stood up from the bed.

"Ehh? What's wrong? Do you want me to kiss you on your lips..?? But I have a fever.."

"I never said I w-wanted to!" She said, with her back still facing Bokuto.

He chuckled and stood up. Bokuto hugged Y/N from behind and placed his lips on the back of her head.

"It's okay.. when I get better I'll give you looots of kisses." He smiled.

"W-Whatever.. Do what you want.."


The evening went by peacefully, Y/N stayed a little bit more longer in the Bokuto household and got to know Bokuto's mom and dad better. Since it was already late outside, Bokuto's parents drove Y/N back home.

My Euphoria [Bokuto x Fem. Reader] COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now