3: Confession

978 23 3

Ugh.. I can't believe I actually cried infront of someone.. and that some was Bokuto.. I facepalmed myself as I ignored Bokuto, who's shouting like a kid, right behind me.

"Y/N! This means that you have forgiven me.. right?"

I simply ignored him. He's already used to it anyways.

"You're not mad anymore.. right?" He quickly caught up to me and showed his puppy eyes.

Damn it.. why is he acting like this..
I could feel my cheeks heating up so I quickly looked away.

I could hear him giggle as I looked away.

Psh. Cheeky.

"Since I'm in a good mood today.. I'll walk you home!" He said.

"Aren't you always in a good mood?"

"Yes.. But I'm even more happier now because.." He said while grinning at me.

"Ugh, whatever!" I walked even more faster.

"H-Hey wait!! I'm supposed to walk you home! Oy!!"

Without knowing, I let out a chuckle. Which shocked me. But I quickly put on my serious face.


Once again, the journey back to my house was just Bokuto talking and me ignoring him. It was already the usual between us.

As the duo reached the front gate of
Y/N's house, Bokuto stared in awe at the structure of Y/N's home. It looked like your typical modern house for the rich.

"Then.. I'll be going inside now.." Y/N said.

"Ehh? You're not even telling me to be safe?" He pouted at her.

"Ugh.. just go home."

"Fine.." The boy's shoulders slumped.

But actually, he was very happy and contented. He got to see a new side of Y/N. She was a mystery to him after all.

Bokuto flinched when he suddenly felt the girl hugging him from behind.

"I-I'm only doing this because I'm thankful.. alright?! This won't happen a-again!" She said. It was obvious that the girl was blushing, so was Bokuto. They both were a blushing mess.

"Ugh.. I hate this.. just be s-safe.. idiot." And after that she let go of the embrace and walked back to her home.

Bokuto suddenly felt cold without
Y/N's warmth, he turned around to look at the girl running back to her house. A smile grew on his face.


After that night, the two grew even more closer. Even Y/N didn't notice their sudden friendship. They both were already casual with eachother.
But there was one problem, Bokuto's curiosity of Y/N lead him to falling for the girl. It's not like he hated it though, it was his first time falling in love and he didn't know how to confront it.

Everybody on his team was aware of his feelings for Y/N and they were good at hiding it from her. Well how did they know?

Because of how obvious Bokuto is. One time Akaashi caught Bokuto just lovingly staring at Y/N while she was sleeping in the library.

Konoha saw Bokuto's wallpaper, which was a candid picture of Y/N.

But that's not all, there's many more.

It's surprising Y/N still hasn't noticed, the boys thought.


It was the usual day for Y/N. They were hanging out as always.

But for Bokuto, it was different. Because today was the day he finally decided to confess his feelings to Y/N.

Bokuto rested his head on the table, looking at Y/N who was distracted with her lecture notes.

"Y/N.. Can I walk you home?" He pouted.

"You have training." She quickly responded like a robot.

"Then can you watch me.. Pleaaseee?"

"Fine. Then you're treating me after."

"Of course! Then I'll wait for you after class?"

"Yess, the usual."


Y/N was watching Bokuto train today. Of course, he always performs/plays better when Y/N is watching. He wanted to impress her.

Throughout the whole training, Bokuto was smiling. He was excited.

After the training and changing his clothes, his teammates wished him goodluck.

"Goodluck Bokuto-san." Akaashi walked up to Bokuto patting his back.

"Thanks Akaashi!!" He smiled. His smile was beaming. He walked up to
Y/N and crouched so that their eyes were on the same level.

"What are you doin'?" He asked.

"Studying? Oh.. You're done with your training?" She asked.

"Yep! Give me your bag, I'll carry it for you." He reached out his hand to Y/N.

"Nuh uh. I can carry my own bag. And it might tire you."

"Me? Tired?? No way..! Just give me your bag, I can carry it for you." He insisted.

"Fineee. You're treating me alright?"

"Of course!" He smiled.


They were outside the convenience store while Y/N was chomping down her noodles.

Y/N was a messy eater and, Bokuto found it cute.

Should I just confess now? He asked himself.

Noo.. Maybe later??


Wait maybe later.. So it'll be more romantic..!

He had a whole debate in his head but he finally snapped back to reality after hearing Y/N's voice calling out to him.

"Oyy! Bokuto! I said it's getting late."

"Oh.. Okay okay!"


It was a pretty chilly night. Y/N tried to stop herself from shivering. The whole walk back home was weird. She thought. Something is different in the atmosphere but she couldn't tell.
It was unusual for Y/N, Bokuto wasn't talking. Even though she ignored him  if he did talk, she was still bothered by his sudden silence.


"Y/N." He stopped walking, causing
Y/N to turn around.

"Yes?" Confused, she replied.

Bokuto walked up to her and wore his jacket around her after that, he held her close.

"I-I'm doing this because.. I won't be able to say this while looking at
y-you.. So.. P-please bear with me for a moment..

Y/N was silent. She didn't know what to say.

"Y/N.. I-I really think.. that.. u-uhh.. I think I like you.. A-alot!" The boy said, trying his best not to stutter too much. He could feel his heart beating so fast.  His body feeling much more warmer.

"I can wait for your a-answer, Y/N.. No matter how long it will take for you to answe-"

"I'm sorry.."

"W-What?" He lets the girl go from his  embrace,

"I said.. I'm sorry.."

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