7: Jealousy

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There was no mistaking it.. it was Bokuto's voice..!

Even though I felt REALLY weak, I tried my best to stand up. I don't want to see him right now.. But for some reason I also don't want to keep him waiting outside..

But before I went outside, of course I put on some light perfume and brushed my teeth.. I mean.. who wouldn't?

I brushed my hair.. a bit.. just to make sure I actually look a little more presentable.

After that I left my bedroom and went downstairs to answer the door.


"What." Y/N said while leaning on the doorframe, crossing her arms.

But Bokuto didn't answer her question, he just smiled and ran up to her to hug her.

"Why did you leave me yesterdayy..
Y/N?" The boy said while hugging her.

"Nothing." She didn't feel like telling him the reason, afraid he might think that she was jealous when in fact.. she really was.

"Why are you still wearing your pajamas? Are you not-" And that's when Bokuto noticed Y/N's body temperature,

"You're burning!"


"I didn't get to buy medicine.." He let go of Y/N and facepalmed his self. He was about to leave for the convenience store but then he felt something gently tugging his uniform,
it was Y/N, looking down at her feet.

"S-Stay here.." She said.

The boy was silent for a moment,

What am I saying?!

My legs feel so weak..
Ugh.. I can't face him properly after blurting that out..

I slowly looked up to see his expression,

Bokuto was blushing.. Even though all Y/N did was asking him to stay.

But Y/N couldn't stand it any longer, she was about to fall down, good thing Bokuto reacted quickly and caught her on time.

Y/N was running a fever and Bokuto knew that she needed him to take care of her.

He decided to just skip school for the day. For the sake of Y/N.

He carried Y/N all the way to her room with the guidance of Y/N herself.

"T-There.. the last room over there that's my room.." she pointed at her bedroom door.

As he gently laid Y/N down on her bed,

"Wait for me okay? I'll buy you some medicine." He caressed her head. Kissing her forehead lightly after.

"W-Why did you do that?!" All of a sudden Y/N was energetic, covering her forehead.

"Wha-? What's wrong with it??" Bokuto tried thinking of the possible things he did wrong.

Wait.. Did I hit her somewhere without noticing?!

"D-Did I hit you anywhere? Does it hurt??"

"What the- No!! Why did you.. you know.. my forehead?! Idiot!" She squeaked.

Bokuto finally realized and giggled.

"Ohh.. what's wrong with it?" He innocently asked,

My Euphoria [Bokuto x Fem. Reader] COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now