Sohma Akito X Gender Neutral Reader

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[A/N: This gets kinda spicy, but nothing actually happens. It's more of a Lime One-Shot. Also, I used male pronouns in this one but it really doesn't affect anything since the reader is bisexual in this.] 

[WARNINGS: *light bdsm]

Prompt - You let Akito look through your computer when he finds a particularly..... interesting..... video.


     You were sitting with Akito in his room. He was going through your bag, bored out of his mind. You too grew bored and decided to open your laptop to clean out and organize your screenshots, images, videos etc. When Akito noticed, he leaned back slightly to check what you were doing.

     "What is all that?"

     "Just random stuff I saved on here. The amount makes things hard to find so I'm going to do a little organizing,"

     "It looks like a bunch of junk to me," he said, and went back to messing with your fidget cube. His eyes flicked back to your screen and he saw a picture that particularly interested him. "What's that,"

He pointed to your screen and you clicked on the picture.

     "This? This is a picture my friend took while we were messing around with my black and white camera," you explained to him.

     "Is that you?"


     "You're naked," he stated.

     "No I'm not," You justified. "I'm wearing pants. And I'm laying chest down on a pillow so It's not like you see anything.

      "You're still naked," he smirked teasingly. You roll your eyes, choosing to ignore him. You click through some more pictures. "What about that one?"

     "We really liked the blue lighting so we took a mirror picture,"

     "and that one?"

     "I was a nice American '70s moment,"

     "Why are you squeezing a cat in a garden and laying laying in the grass on those two? "

     "I was just holding him. You make it sound like abuse. This was for an 'All Natural' shot,"

     "One more question,"


     "Why are you naked in all of them?" he smirked. You huff him a look. He was clearly trying to get on your nerves.

     "I'm not naked. I'm still very covered,"

     "In that nature one you look pretty naked,"

     "Akito-san," you said in irritation. He chuckled, feeling successful in his attempt to annoy you. You continue to go through the contents of your files. Deleting some, renaming others. Akito asked if he could look at them himself so you handed him the laptop. As he scrolled through he came across some artwork you've done.

     "You have a lot of drawings on here,"

     "Yeah. I do a lot of graphic design,"

     "So you like art and stuff?"

     "Yeah," He continued exploring. After a while you got bored and decided to use the bathroom. "I'll be right back,"

And you left, listen to the shōji doors slide against the floor.

FRUITS BASKET ONE-SHOTS (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now