Chapter 14

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"District 12," I announced. Maia glanced up from her breakfast plate, unimpressed.

"Just try and be cheerful," I said.

"I did kill Slatia," she said. "Rather brutally, might I add. They're going to hate me."

"All of them are going to hate you," I said. She smiled and resumed eating.

The Games didn't seem to have fazed her.

We had spent the last two days at home, relaxing. She was in good health and good spirits, which was more than I could say for myself after my Game. She did have a rather nasty scar from where the creature had scratched her but that was it. She wasn't dehydrated or malnourished. I had checked on her multiple times her first night back and she seemed to be sleeping well.

The little girl I had known was gone and I had adjusted to it rather quickly.

Now she was sassy and had a killer look in her eyes. And the Capitol loved it. They fell in love with her after-Game interview where she bantered back and forth with the interviewer. It had been entertaining to watch but I felt like I didn't know her. She was just another Victor.

The train began slowing down.

Maia glanced out the window. It was a barren country made upon of varying shades of black and grey because of the coal dust.

"Don't be rude, Maia," I said, as she stood up.

"Rude? I have no idea what you're talking about," she said, exiting the dining car.

I rubbed my forehead. Paris, who had been relatively silent the entire trip, stood up as well.

"Try not to be so patronizing," he said, following her out.

There were cameras waiting at the train station. Maia made a glamorous entrance in a tight and very short yellow dress her stylist had designed for her. She was in love with it.

She waved to the cameras. A man in a suit approached.

"I am the mayor of District 12," he said. It sounded like he was reciting a script. "If you'll follow me please."

We did. The path from the train station to the Justice Hall was a nice one but I knew that the rest of the roads and walkways were probably horrendous.

The mayor led us out onto a platform that overlooked the town square. A crowd of somber people had amassed.

Maia pulled the notecards for her Capitol-approved speech out of the pocket of her dress and placed them discreetly on a podium.

"Good people of District 12," she began. "Thank you for welcoming me here, into your home, as the first stop of the 24th Annual Hunger Games' Victory Tour. I am honored to be here and meet with you all. I think the Games serve as a reminder that together and united as Districts and the Capitol we can achieve anything, namely peace. But when we are divided and turn against each other, like the Games, only chaos and death can ensue. Your tributes made a time-honored sacrifice to the good of the nation. They served as a painful reminder that to exist, we must be one. So today, I've come to wish you the best of luck in the new year and to offer you my condolences for your fallen tributes."

Above us, the pictures of the tributes appeared. The families of the tributes stood off to the sides. Maia turned to each of them in turn and blew a kiss.

It was horridly disgusting.

But she was good. The Capitol would like her.

"Thank you," she said. And with a graceful bow she left the stage.


12 days later...

The Victory Tour had exhausted me with it's repetitiveness and busy schedule.

We rode the train all night to get to our next district. Usually the trip took up a good part of the morning too. Then Maia gave a speech around noon and we were entertained with a light lunch featuring local delicacies which were very rarely delectable. Then we toured some important local building like a mine or a paper mill. Then the mayor hosted us for a formal dinner and presented Maia with some sort of gift. Then it was back on the train.

For once, it was nice returning to the Capitol. It was a two day event, with a very careful timetable.

We would stay at the Training Center, or rather, Maia and the prep team would stay at the Training Center. I had received strict orders to stay at the mansion for the night.

Our train pulled into the Capitol station around noon. Cameras and crowds surrounded us. Maia talked eagerly with the Capitol citizens who had amassed.

She had announced in District 2 that she planned on starting a Capitol fashion line, to the thrill of Capitol citizens and to my horror.

I didn't want her in the Capitol any longer than necessary.

"I'll stay with you," she said, when we had spoken about it after.

I couldn't deny her that. She was my sister after all.

"We have to go," I said, pulling her away from her fans. We had lunch with the Gamemakers in thirty minutes.

"They love me!" Maia cheered.

"Yeah, sure," I said. A car was waiting just outside the station.

Paris climbed in after me, shutting the door.

"All this attention is overwhelming," he laughed. He and Maia began to giggle and discuss their new-found popularity.

I stared out the window. I hated it all.

When the car slid up in front of the Gamecenter, we were taken to the top floor where the lunch was going to be held.

The Gamemakers all stood in a neat line, the head Gamemaker introducing us to each and everyone. Only one caught my attention.

"This is our new Gamemaker," the Head Gamemaker said. "Plutarch Heavensbee."

I shook his hand but it felt odd, knowing that I should be hugging him.

When we got seated, I made sure to sit next to him.

"So Mr. Heavensbee, where are you from?" I asked.

"Oh," he said, sitting down his fork and knife. "I'm from District 1 like you. I was in the running for a secretary position but I wasn't quite suited for it. So it was suggested I come here," he said.

I smiled.

"Your name is so interesting," I said.

He shook his head, a grin on his face.

"I think you'll find that names are a great place to begin if you're looking for a new start," he said. "Of course, friends in high places also helps."

"Okay, Pax," I whispered under my breath, before resuming eating.

We spoke for the rest of the dinner.

"I trust that if you need anything in the future, Miss Luxeri, you'll come to me," Plutarch/Pax said.

"Oh, definitely," I said. We shook hands.

At least someone got a happy ending.

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