Baking Together

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It has been just a few days after Byakuya asked her to be together. It was such a happy coincidence for both of them! (Y/n) had a crush on Byakuya for a while now and Byakuya wasn't really sure but after a small research, he was sure he started to like the girl who was in the same classroom as his, known for being the Ultimate Singer.

(Y/n) took a liking in music from a young age, singing all day long lyrics from songs she liked. As she grew up and the internet existing, she made her own channel where she was recording her covers from songs she liked. Then she started writing her own songs. People started to notice her songs and covers making her more popular.
When she got her letter saying she was accepted in Hope's Peak Academy for being  the Ultimate Singer.

In her first day in the new school she started to get along with Sayaka, being another coincidence that both of their ultimates were on the same page.

Now being at the present, Byakuya wasn't really good with emotions, so he clearly was needing (Y/n)'s help.

(Y/n) asked Byakuya if she could come to his place to bake something together and he agreed. After all the classes ended, she and Byakuya took their stuff and walked out of the Academy to one of the cars that were waiting for them. It was obvious that the car was very expensive only by the way it looked.

Byakuya opened the door of the car, letting (Y/n) get inside first. She giggled at his actions and got inside. She thought to herself as a smile crept on her lips.

Did he really kept what I said in mind?  Even if it was a joke?

She remembered a few days ago after they got together, she started to explain to him how a relationship works (from what she knew from movies and books she read). She said that the boys from the movies and books they would act as a gentlemen by opening the door and letting the girl go in first. She just joked about it, and it never occured to her that Byakuya might take the thing seriously.

Byakuya entered after (Y/n), closing the door of the car after him. The driver didn't stay any longer and started to drive back to the Togami's household.

"So" Byakuya started getting (Y/n)'s attention. She looked at him as he continued speaking.
"what do you have planned for today. You didn't even bothered to tell me about it."

"I thought about baking something together!" she told with a smile on her face.


"Yup! It will be fun! You'll like it, I promise!"

"I didn't complain, but I'm not so sure if I'll like it so much." he said truthfully. She knew he might say that. She just wished he'll like it.

The ride continued for a short period of time and then stopped at the huge mansion.
When the driver stopped the car, Byakuya opening the door again getting out, then help (Y/n) get up by holding her hand.

They both started to walk towards the mansion's grand doors.
"Any reason you chose to do the activity here?" he asked, his hand still holding (Y/n)'s. He didn't even noticed or he didn't want to let her hand go.

"I thought you might have all the ingredients we will need for the cupcakes." she laughed a little and Byakuya looked at her then flashed a small smile her way.
"So we're doing cupcakes, huh?" he said looking at her face.

"Yeah! Do you like cupcakes, right?" her courage melted in seconds as she grew anxious. She didn't know what type of food he liked.
He looked like he was in thought, then a moment after he responded.
"Cupcakes are okay. I don't have a problem with them." he responded making (Y/n) smile.
He wasn't sure why she smiled at his response. He had an idea but he wasn't sure of it. He shrugged the question off and walked inside the mansion.

Byakuya showed the way where the kitchen was. As expected the kitchen was spacious, having furniture that looked to (Y/n) expensive. Very expensive.
"Okay!" she said as she took a small piece of paper for her pockets, getting Byakuya's attention making him look at the paper.
"Is that the recipe?" (Y/n) didn't answer, she only nodded.

"So, um.. can you help me take the ingredients? After all, isn't it your house?" she asked in which he let out a sigh.
He started to opened drawers and took the ingredients he needed, also telling (Y/n) where she can find the other ingredients.

When everything they needed was on the counter, she started to read to be sure they won't do any mistakes.
"Do you want to mix it?" (Y/n) asked with the bowl close to her.

"Sure." the girl handed to him the mixer.
As Byakuya was mixing the composition, (Y/n) took a tray for the cupcakes and after Byakuya was finished with mixing it she started to pour the composition in each until all of them had the same amount of composition.

And with that she left the tray in the oven to bake. She took the bowl where was the composition before and took a spoon.
"What are you doing?" he questioned, a confused look was on his face.

"I'm just eating what remained in the bowl." she said as she took a spoon and putting it in her mouth. "Do you want to give it a try?" she took another spoon and handed it to Byakuya. More exactly to say, she was waiting patiently for Byakuya to take the spoon and taste.
"Why would I do that? Don't we have the cupcakes in the oven?" he said more confused.

"But this is fun, I think. That is what I did as a kid." she looked at him for a moment before she went on talking. "I suppose you never did that because you have chefs to cook for you. But please just take the spoon and taste." (Y/n) begged.
Byakuya took the spoon from the her hand and tasted the composition.

"It's not bad." that was all he said, but that made her smile widely.
"I told you! It's nice to eat the composition! It became like a tradition to me." she chuckled softly making Byakuya to smile a little again.

Byakuya asked the girl about some of her childhood memories and she started to tell him.
"Did you really thought if you plant seeds under the bridge, they would grow?" he asked. Surprisingly he was smiling widely.

"I thought they will grow. I was just a kid, you know!" (Y/n) laughed at her memory.

"Wait the cupcakes are ready!" she exclaimed suddenly, she got up from her seat and the took the tray with the now baked composition.
She took all the cupcakes one by one on a plate to cool down for a little before tasting them.

After a few minutes, (Y/n) took one from the plate, taking a bite out of it. She smiled widely.
"They taste so good!" she said like a kid.
Byakuya also took one and started to eat it.
"It's not bad."

"Well, at least they taste good." she smiled. " I thought something is going to not work or the cupcakes will be burned. I'm glad I didn't set the whole building on fire." she joked in the end.

"You didn't set up your house on fire, did you?" he was looking at her. If she was going to say, he'll surely be so surprised and not that really at the same time. We're talking about (Y/n) here.

She laughed a little before answering the question. "No, I didn't set the house on fire. It's just a thing I say. I'm not that good at baking in the first place." she rubbed her neck with her hand.

"Well, for someone that is so bad at baking, those really are pretty good." he said, taking another bite from a cupcake.

"I'm glad." she smiled at him.


1377 words

I really hope you like my first oneshot! I tried to make it a little cute, but I'm not sure if I failed at doing so.

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