ballroom mystery

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( i am currently on my old phone due to some problems my phone had and because i don't want to leave you like this, I've got an oneshot or a short story from the song I added! there will be some grammar mistakes because I type pretty bad with this phone so, I hope you like this!!)

You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time before leaving the room. You were wearing a fancy dress that was to the knees and in general it looked pretty. You weren't so fond of tgis type of dresses but Byakuya was invited to a ball
(is that how you write it right?? please correct me if I'm wrong!)
and he needed to take somebody, you were his first choice. it was kind of obvious he was going to take you, after all you've been together with Byakuya for almost two years.

(a/n if you dont want a dress just imagine some other type of clothing)

The heels you were wearing were matching the dress and the hair pins that were keeping your hair in place. You turned your head to the side, admiring your hair for a few more seconds. One of the people working for Byakuya actually did your hair. Byakuya asked them before. Well, it's a lot to say he 'asked', he just made it clear to the person.

Flashback to a few days ago

A few days ago, Byakuya ordered for them. As they entered, they walked in front of both of you standing straight.

'At 3pm I want you to do y/n's hair for the occasion.' Byakuya said in his monotone voice.

As you were there too, you thought it was pretty rude to just order around so you continued Byakuya's sentence.
'Please and thank you!' you said in your sweet tone, sounding polite the the person in front of you.

You caught the small glimpse of emotion. They showed a small smile for a brief second before nodding to both of you and took their leave.

end of flashback

When you thought you admired your look for long enough you leaned to take your phone with you and a small purse to match the outfit. As you left the room and you were stuffing your phone in the purse you started to walk to a certain place of the mansion you were currently in.

When you got to the door you knocked twice. On the other side a muffled response was heard.

'Come in.'
As the response was given, y/n opened the door to see Byakuya adjusting his tie. He wasn't wearing his usual suit, this one looking more to an occasion like this one. the suit was black, but the light the embroidery of the suit was revealed.

You stepped foot in the room, the sound of your heels on the floor made a sound and Byakuya stopped what he was doing to look to the person in the doorway.
You closed the door behind you, and continued you way to your partner.

Byakuya also walking your way you two stopped at each other and without either of you noticing, you stared at each other.

'You look gorgeous.' he said and he held you face in his hands and placed a soft kiss on the forehead. you smiled widely at your boyfriend's actions.

He then backed away a little smiling at you. You felt as if you still had those butterflies in your stomach when you realised you started to like heir.

Enjoying the moment you looked around the room finding a clock on one of the walls. 6:30 pm.

"When this fancy party starts at?" your eyes moving back Byakuya's face.

Byakuya Togami x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now