Street Lights

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It was the day Byakuya promised you he'll come to visit you. You see, you were living in a different city than Byakuya's and he comes to visit you pretty often with you two going to small dates or taking strolls in the city. This time you come with the idea to go on your date to walk around the city at night. The city looked so pretty in the night sky and the lights illuminating the streets.

You were waiting outside your apartment for Byakuya to show up. You looked left and right on the street to see if you notice a car that could be resemble to one of his cars that you've seen before. As you waited outside of your apartment, you noticed a car slowing down and eventually stopping in front of you. A small part inside of you was scared for the person inside the car. You knew it could be a chance it could be Byakuya or some creep hitting you up or flirting with you. The thought of a man calling you pet names was giving you chills.

The door opened revealing the one and only, Byakuya Togami. Your grin widened, happy to see him again.
He got up from the car and you practicality ran to him.

"Byakuya!" you exclaimed as you jumped into his arms maybe a little dramatic, but you didn't care. That was your last problem in your mind.
Byakuya was taken by surprise by (y/n)'s greeting.
Not after a second, he wrapped his arms around your waist, keeping you close to him. Your head was gently laying on his chest as you listened to his heartbeat. You closed your eyes enjoying the moment.
As Byakuya was holding you, his other feelings vanished only gratitude and calmness remaining.

After what felt like an eternity in a good way, Byakuya let you go from his chest, his hand making his way to yours to hold it. Byakuya smiled looking at (y/n). You looked stunning in his eyes. You decided to let your hair down, Your (h/c) hair shining in the street lights. You wore one of your favourite dresses, this time to seem a little more elegant as Byakuya was usually wearing his suits making him already elegant and gorgeous.

Byakuya took a moment to look and see how you decided to dress this time. The necklace was shining along with your eyes in the light.
"You look stunning." Byakuya complimented you making you look the other way as you replied.
"Thank you. You also look gorgeous." you complimented back, averting your eyes to his face. A soft blush was on your cheeks from the compliment you got.

"Would you want to go have dinner?" Byakuya suggested, waiting for (y/n)'s agreement.
"Sure." you answered as you two started to walk your way to a fancy restaurant.

For the times he came to see you and going to dates with you, he got the brief idea how the city looked and other buildings were, such as the fancy restaurant you two were heading. The walking didn't take too long. As you two were walking, you were looking at him from time to time which every time ended up with Byakuya looking back at you smiling. A few times you decided on the moment from the heat that was rising to your face to look the other way.
As that happened AGAIN and you averted your look from his eyes to the buildings, you heard Byakuya's sweet chuckle.

The moment you heard him laugh you stared back at him, taking in his features. The smile and his eyes that were sparking with happiness. That made you smile genuinely his way. You really loved those moments with Byakuya. You loved to see him smile and laugh.

You remembered the first time you met him. It was in the same city you were living. He was walking with someone beside him. By chance you were behind him looking to the road and to where you were heading. You saw as a small piece of paper slipped from his pocket, the paper sent flying. As the piece of paper was flying your way, you grabbed it and started to walk fast to the person in front of you. You tapped the stranger's shoulder, him stopping from the touch. He turned your way and saw that the another man turned your way. You would be lying if you say you weren't a little scared by the guy. The way he stared at you was giving you the chills. You started to explain the situation to the stranger who was Byakuya Togami. You handed the paper back to him and everything continued as before. And after that you started to bump into him a lot every time you were in the city. And somehow you two started to talk and get along. And now you were together. You weren't expecting such turn of events, but you weren't complaining about it.

Byakuya, being such a gentleman, opened the door for you in the restaurant. You two chose a table and ordered something to eat. You weren't hungry, so you ordered dessert. In the meanwhile as you were waiting you two started to talk about anything that popped in your head. He was listening to you as you were telling him some stories from your childhood or recently.
In his head, he was really glad he had met you. You seemed so different from him and yet you get along so well, must be fate.

You enjoyed your dessert and the conversation you had with Byakuya. You couldn't believe half an hour had passed already. Your plate was long gone, taken by one of the workers in the kitchen. As you two decided to pay and leave, he once again opened the door then went for your hand. You rotated your head to him then his hand. Without hesitation you took his hand and continued to walk in the night streets, the lights illuminating the way.

Both of you were a little surprised when you got to your home and being late and also Byakuya needed to be back, you two stood in front of each other for a split second for you to start talking.

"It was really nice tonight, Byakuya. Thank you." you were honest, you really enjoyed your date and you already dreamed of the next one.

Even if Byakuya was pretty bad with emotions, it was clear you were genuinely happy. Your smile and eyes sparkling with sincerity were literally screaming the obvious even for the stupidest person on the planet. (me lol)

"I'm glad." he shined another smile of his.

At that exact moment an idea struck in your head and you were debating with yourself if you should do it or not.
As you made your mind, you walked closer to Byakuya and hugged him. He was taken by surprise for a moment, then he relaxed and held you in his arms.

You looked up to find him staring at you. He  planted a small kiss on your lips. You felt as if you had butterflies in your stomach.
He pulled bavk from the kiss to look at you again and left one last kiss on the forehead.

"Call me tomorrow, okay? And take care of yourself." he said as he let you go from his warm hug. He turned to see one of his cars waiting for him.

You nodded "I will don't worry!"

Before he could get in the car he took the courage to say to you

"I love you (y/n)."
Your cheeks at that moment started to get warm.

"I love you too." you said back as Byakuya got in and watched you in the window of the car.


I apologize I didn't write any oneshots, sorry but I started to write this one for some time and I didn't know how to continue it

Kotoko became my comfort character. Kinda long and stupid story so yeah.

Byakuya Togami x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now